R functions (M)

The list of new R functions introduced in this Missing data analysis lab component are below:

Function_name Package_name Use
aggr VIM To calculate/plot the missing values in the variables
boxplot base/graphics To produce a box plot
bwplot mice To produce box plot to compare the imputed and observed values
colMeans base To compute the column-wise mean, i.e., mean for each variable/column
complete mice To extract the imputed dataset
complete.cases base/stats To select the complete cases, i.e., observations without missing values
D1 mice To conduct the multivariate Wald test with D1-statistic
densityplot mice To produce desnsity plots
expression base To set/create an expression
imputationList mice To combine multiple imputed datasets
marginplot VIM To draw a scatterplot with additional information when there are missing values
mcar_test naniar To conduct Little's MCAR test
md.pattern mice To see the pattern of the missing data
mice mice To impute missing data where the argument m represents the number of multiple imputation
MIcombine mitools To combine/pool the results using Rubin's rule
MIextract mitools To extract parameters from a list of outputs
na.test misty To conduct Little's MCAR test
parlmice mice To run `mice` function in parallel, i.e., parallel computing of mice
plot_missing DataExplorer To plot the profile of missing values, e.g., the percentage of missing per variable
pool mice To pool the results using Rubin's rule
pool.compare mice To compare two nested models
pool_mi miceadds To combine/pool the results using Rubin's rule
quickpred mice To set imputation model based on the correlation
sim_slopes interactions To perform simple slope analyses
TestMCARNormality MissMech To test multivariate normality and homoscedasticity in the context of missing data
unlist base To convert a list to a vector