Binary outcome


This tutorial is very similar to one of the previous tutorials, but uses a different data (we used RHC data here). We are revisiting concepts related to prediction before introducing ideas related to machine learning.

In this chapter, we will talk about Regression that deals with prediction of binary outcomes. We will use logistic regression to build the first prediction model.

Read previously saved data

ObsData <- readRDS(file = "Data/machinelearning/rhcAnalytic.RDS")

Outcome levels (factor)

  • Label
    • Possible values of outcome
levels(ObsData$Death)=c("No","Yes") # this is useful for caret
# ref:
#> [1] "factor"
#>   No  Yes 
#> 2013 3722

Measuring prediction error

  • Brier score
    • Brier score 0 means perfect prediction, and
    • close to zero means better prediction,
    • 1 being the worst prediction.
    • Less accurate forecasts get higher score in Brier score.
  • AUC
    • The area under a ROC curve is called as a c statistics.
    • c being 0.5 means random prediction and
    • 1 indicates perfect prediction

Prediction for death

In this section, we show the regression fitting when outcome is binary (death).


baselinevars <- names(dplyr::select(ObsData, 
#>  [1] "Disease.category"      "Cancer"                "Cardiovascular"       
#>  [4] "Congestive.HF"         "Dementia"              "Psychiatric"          
#>  [7] "Pulmonary"             "Renal"                 "Hepatic"              
#> [10] "GI.Bleed"              "Tumor"                 "Immunosupperssion"    
#> [13] "Transfer.hx"           "MI"                    "age"                  
#> [16] "sex"                   "edu"                   "DASIndex"             
#> [19] "APACHE.score"          "Glasgow.Coma.Score"    "blood.pressure"       
#> [22] "WBC"                   "Heart.rate"            "Respiratory.rate"     
#> [25] "Temperature"           "PaO2vs.FIO2"           "Albumin"              
#> [28] "Hematocrit"            "Bilirubin"             "Creatinine"           
#> [31] "Sodium"                "Potassium"             "PaCo2"                
#> [34] "PH"                    "Weight"                "DNR.status"           
#> [37] ""     "Respiratory.Diag"      "Cardiovascular.Diag"  
#> [40] "Neurological.Diag"     "Gastrointestinal.Diag" "Renal.Diag"           
#> [43] "Metabolic.Diag"        "Hematologic.Diag"      "Sepsis.Diag"          
#> [46] "Trauma.Diag"           "Orthopedic.Diag"       "race"                 
#> [49] "income"                "RHC.use"


# adjust covariates
out.formula2 <- as.formula(paste("Death~ ", paste(baselinevars, collapse = "+")))
saveRDS(out.formula2, file = "Data/machinelearning/form2.RDS")
fit2 <- glm(out.formula2, data = ObsData, 
            family = binomial(link = "logit"))
adj.fit2 <- publish(fit2, digits=1)$regressionTable
#> Death ~ Disease.category + Cancer + Cardiovascular + Congestive.HF + 
#>     Dementia + Psychiatric + Pulmonary + Renal + Hepatic + GI.Bleed + 
#>     Tumor + Immunosupperssion + Transfer.hx + MI + age + sex + 
#>     edu + DASIndex + APACHE.score + Glasgow.Coma.Score + blood.pressure + 
#>     WBC + Heart.rate + Respiratory.rate + Temperature + PaO2vs.FIO2 + 
#>     Albumin + Hematocrit + Bilirubin + Creatinine + Sodium + 
#>     Potassium + PaCo2 + PH + Weight + DNR.status + + 
#>     Respiratory.Diag + Cardiovascular.Diag + Neurological.Diag + 
#>     Gastrointestinal.Diag + Renal.Diag + Metabolic.Diag + Hematologic.Diag + 
#>     Sepsis.Diag + Trauma.Diag + Orthopedic.Diag + race + income + 
#>     RHC.use

Measuring prediction error

pred.y2 <- predict(fit2, type = "response")
rocobj <- roc(obs.y2, pred.y2)
#> Setting levels: control = No, case = Yes
#> Setting direction: controls < cases
#> Call:
#> roc.default(response = obs.y2, predictor = pred.y2)
#> Data: pred.y2 in 2013 controls (obs.y2 No) < 3722 cases (obs.y2 Yes).
#> Area under the curve: 0.7682

#> Area under the curve: 0.7682
Brier Score
#> [1] 0.1812502

Cross-validation using caret

Basic setup

# Using Caret package

# make a 5-fold CV
ctrl<-trainControl(method = "cv", number = 5, 
                   classProbs = TRUE,
                   summaryFunction = twoClassSummary)

# fit the model with formula = out.formula2
# use training method glm (have to specify family)<-train(out.formula2, trControl = ctrl,
               data = ObsData, method = "glm",
              family = binomial(),
#> Generalized Linear Model 
#> 5735 samples
#>   50 predictor
#>    2 classes: 'No', 'Yes' 
#> No pre-processing
#> Resampling: Cross-Validated (5 fold) 
#> Summary of sample sizes: 4587, 4589, 4587, 4589, 4588 
#> Resampling results:
#>   ROC        Sens       Spec     
#>   0.7545115  0.4659618  0.8535653

Extract results from each test data

summary.res <-$resample
#> [1] 0.7545115
#> [1] 0.01651437

More options

ctrl<-trainControl(method = "cv", number = 5, 
                   classProbs = TRUE,
                   summaryFunction = twoClassSummary)<-train(out.formula2, trControl = ctrl,
               data = ObsData, method = "glm",
              family = binomial(),
              preProc = c("center", "scale"))
#> Generalized Linear Model 
#> 5735 samples
#>   50 predictor
#>    2 classes: 'No', 'Yes' 
#> Pre-processing: centered (63), scaled (63) 
#> Resampling: Cross-Validated (5 fold) 
#> Summary of sample sizes: 4588, 4589, 4587, 4588, 4588 
#> Resampling results:
#>   ROC        Sens       Spec     
#>   0.7548047  0.4629717  0.8530367

Variable selection

We can also use stepwise regression that uses AIC as a criterion.

ctrl<-trainControl(method = "cv", number = 5, 
                   classProbs = TRUE,
                   summaryFunction = twoClassSummary)<-train(out.formula2, trControl = ctrl,
               data = ObsData, method = "glmStepAIC",
               direction ="backward",
              family = binomial(),
#> Generalized Linear Model with Stepwise Feature Selection 
#> 5735 samples
#>   50 predictor
#>    2 classes: 'No', 'Yes' 
#> No pre-processing
#> Resampling: Cross-Validated (5 fold) 
#> Summary of sample sizes: 4587, 4589, 4587, 4589, 4588 
#> Resampling results:
#>   ROC        Sens      Spec     
#>   0.7540424  0.464468  0.8562535
#> Call:
#> Deviance Residuals: 
#>     Min       1Q   Median       3Q      Max  
#> -2.8626  -0.9960   0.5052   0.8638   1.9578  
#> Coefficients:
#>                                          Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)
#> (Intercept)                             1.0783624  0.7822168   1.379 0.168019
#> Disease.categoryOther                   0.4495099  0.0919860   4.887 1.03e-06
#> `CancerLocalized (Yes)`                 1.8942512  0.5501880   3.443 0.000575
#> CancerMetastatic                        3.2703316  0.5858715   5.582 2.38e-08
#> Cardiovascular1                         0.2386749  0.0939617   2.540 0.011081
#> Congestive.HF1                          0.4539010  0.0971624   4.672 2.99e-06
#> Dementia1                               0.2380213  0.1162903   2.047 0.040679
#> Hepatic1                                0.3593093  0.1541762   2.331 0.019779
#> Tumor1                                 -1.2455123  0.5542624  -2.247 0.024630
#> Immunosupperssion1                      0.2174294  0.0730803   2.975 0.002928
#> Transfer.hx1                           -0.1849029  0.0945679  -1.955 0.050555
#> `age[50,60)`                            0.3621248  0.0984288   3.679 0.000234
#> `age[60,70)`                            0.6941924  0.0968434   7.168 7.60e-13
#> `age[70,80)`                            0.6804939  0.1126637   6.040 1.54e-09
#> `age[80, Inf)`                          0.9833851  0.1410563   6.972 3.13e-12
#> sexFemale                              -0.2805950  0.0653527  -4.294 1.76e-05
#> DASIndex                               -0.0429272  0.0062191  -6.902 5.11e-12
#> APACHE.score                            0.0174907  0.0020017   8.738  < 2e-16
#> Glasgow.Coma.Score                      0.0093657  0.0012563   7.455 9.00e-14
#> WBC                                     0.0044518  0.0030090   1.479 0.139009
#> Temperature                            -0.0524703  0.0192757  -2.722 0.006487
#> PaO2vs.FIO2                             0.0004741  0.0003054   1.552 0.120548
#> Hematocrit                             -0.0154796  0.0041593  -3.722 0.000198
#> Bilirubin                               0.0313087  0.0094004   3.331 0.000867
#> Weight                                 -0.0031548  0.0011213  -2.813 0.004902
#> DNR.statusYes                           0.9347360  0.1326924   7.044 1.86e-12
#> Medical.insuranceMedicare               0.4764895  0.1257582   3.789 0.000151
#> `Medical.insuranceMedicare & Medicaid`  0.3364916  0.1584757   2.123 0.033729
#> `Medical.insuranceNo insurance`         0.3711345  0.1568820   2.366 0.017996
#> Medical.insurancePrivate                0.2632637  0.1139805   2.310 0.020903
#> `Medical.insurancePrivate & Medicare`   0.2819715  0.1313101   2.147 0.031764
#> Respiratory.DiagYes                     0.1393974  0.0769026   1.813 0.069886
#> Cardiovascular.DiagYes                  0.1804967  0.0836679   2.157 0.030982
#> Neurological.DiagYes                    0.4320266  0.1189357   3.632 0.000281
#> Gastrointestinal.DiagYes                0.2819563  0.1092206   2.582 0.009836
#> Hematologic.DiagYes                     0.9734424  0.1651363   5.895 3.75e-09
#> Sepsis.DiagYes                          0.1539651  0.0943235   1.632 0.102614
#> `incomeUnder $11k`                      0.2151437  0.0689392   3.121 0.001804
#> RHC.use                                 0.3552053  0.0713632   4.977 6.44e-07
#> (Intercept)                               
#> Disease.categoryOther                  ***
#> `CancerLocalized (Yes)`                ***
#> CancerMetastatic                       ***
#> Cardiovascular1                        *  
#> Congestive.HF1                         ***
#> Dementia1                              *  
#> Hepatic1                               *  
#> Tumor1                                 *  
#> Immunosupperssion1                     ** 
#> Transfer.hx1                           .  
#> `age[50,60)`                           ***
#> `age[60,70)`                           ***
#> `age[70,80)`                           ***
#> `age[80, Inf)`                         ***
#> sexFemale                              ***
#> DASIndex                               ***
#> APACHE.score                           ***
#> Glasgow.Coma.Score                     ***
#> WBC                                       
#> Temperature                            ** 
#> PaO2vs.FIO2                               
#> Hematocrit                             ***
#> Bilirubin                              ***
#> Weight                                 ** 
#> DNR.statusYes                          ***
#> Medical.insuranceMedicare              ***
#> `Medical.insuranceMedicare & Medicaid` *  
#> `Medical.insuranceNo insurance`        *  
#> Medical.insurancePrivate               *  
#> `Medical.insurancePrivate & Medicare`  *  
#> Respiratory.DiagYes                    .  
#> Cardiovascular.DiagYes                 *  
#> Neurological.DiagYes                   ***
#> Gastrointestinal.DiagYes               ** 
#> Hematologic.DiagYes                    ***
#> Sepsis.DiagYes                            
#> `incomeUnder $11k`                     ** 
#> RHC.use                                ***
#> ---
#> Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
#> (Dispersion parameter for binomial family taken to be 1)
#>     Null deviance: 7433.3  on 5734  degrees of freedom
#> Residual deviance: 6198.0  on 5696  degrees of freedom
#> AIC: 6276
#> Number of Fisher Scoring iterations: 5

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