Continuous outcome

Let us focus on issues related to predictive modeling for continuous outcomes in 4 steps:

Explore relationships for continuous outcome variable

First, load several R packages for statistical modeling, data manipulation, and visualization.

# Load required packages

Load data

Here, a dataset is loaded into the R environment from an RData file.

load(file = "Data/predictivefactors/cholesterolNHANES15.RData")

Correlation plot


We can use the cor function to see the correlation between numeric variables and then use the corrplot function to plot the cor object. The plot helps in understanding the linear or nonlinear relationships between different numerical variables.

numeric.names <- c("age", "diastolicBP", "systolicBP", "bodyweight", 
                   "bodyheight", "bmi", "waist", "alcohol", 
                   "cholesterol", "triglycerides", "uric.acid", 
                   "protein", "bilirubin", "phosphorus", "sodium",
                   "potassium", "globulin", "calcium")
correlationMatrix <- cor(analytic[numeric.names])
mat.num <- round(correlationMatrix,2)
mat.num[mat.num>0.8 & mat.num < 1]
#> [1] 0.89 0.90 0.89 0.91 0.90 0.91
corrplot(correlationMatrix, method="number", type="upper")

As we can see, the correlation between bmi and waist is 0.91, suggesting a high correlation between these two predictors. Similarly, bodyweight is highly correlated with waist (correlation 0.90), bodyweight is highly correlated with bmi (correlation 0.89). Also, there is no linear relationship between age and bmi (correlation -0.02).

Examine descriptive associations

Let us examine the descriptive associations with the dependent variable by stratifying separately by key predictors


There are multiple ways to examine the descriptive associations by strata/groups, e.g., summarize, aggregate, describeBy, tapply, summary

The code calculates and explores various ways to describe the cholesterol levels, stratified by key predictors such as gender.

#> [1] 193.1002

# Process 1
mean(analytic$cholesterol[analytic$gender == "Male"])
#> [1] 190.7626
mean(analytic$cholesterol[analytic$gender == "Female"])
#> [1] 196.7339

# Process 2
analytic %>%
  group_by(gender) %>%
  dplyr::summarize(, .groups = 'drop') 

# process 3
with(analytic, aggregate( analytic$cholesterol, by=list(gender), 

# process 4
psych::describeBy(analytic$cholesterol, analytic$gender)
#>  Descriptive statistics by group 
#> group: Female
#>    vars   n   mean    sd median trimmed   mad min max range skew kurtosis   se
#> X1    1 496 196.73 43.26  194.5  194.44 40.77 100 358   258 0.57     0.56 1.94
#> ------------------------------------------------------------ 
#> group: Male
#>    vars   n   mean    sd median trimmed   mad min max range skew kurtosis   se
#> X1    1 771 190.76 43.06    188  188.54 40.03  81 545   464  1.1     5.76 1.55

# process 5
tapply(analytic$cholesterol, analytic$gender, summary)
#> $Female
#>    Min. 1st Qu.  Median    Mean 3rd Qu.    Max. 
#>   100.0   166.8   194.5   196.7   220.2   358.0 
#> $Male
#>    Min. 1st Qu.  Median    Mean 3rd Qu.    Max. 
#>    81.0   161.0   188.0   190.8   215.0   545.0

# A general process
sel.names <- c("gender", "age", "born", "race", "education", 
               "married", "income", "diastolicBP", "systolicBP", 
               "bodyweight", "bodyheight", "bmi", "waist", 
               "smoke", "alcohol", "cholesterol", 
               "triglycerides", "uric.acid", "protein", 
               "bilirubin", "phosphorus", "sodium", "potassium", 
               "globulin", "calcium", "",
               "physical.recreational", "diabetes")
var.summ <- summary(cholesterol~ ., data = analytic[sel.names])
#> cholesterol      N= 1267  
#> +---------------------+--------------------------------+----+-----------+
#> |                     |                                |   N|cholesterol|
#> +---------------------+--------------------------------+----+-----------+
#> |               gender|                          Female| 496|   196.7339|
#> |                     |                            Male| 771|   190.7626|
#> +---------------------+--------------------------------+----+-----------+
#> |                  age|                         [20,37)| 342|   182.4854|
#> |                     |                         [37,52)| 313|   200.1661|
#> |                     |                         [52,64)| 315|   199.7873|
#> |                     |                         [64,80]| 297|   190.7845|
#> +---------------------+--------------------------------+----+-----------+
#> |                 born|Born in 50 US states or Washingt| 991|   190.9253|
#> |                     |                          Others| 276|   200.9094|
#> +---------------------+--------------------------------+----+-----------+
#> |                 race|                           Black| 246|   187.3740|
#> |                     |                        Hispanic| 337|   193.5490|
#> |                     |                           Other| 132|   191.8561|
#> |                     |                           White| 552|   195.6757|
#> +---------------------+--------------------------------+----+-----------+
#> |            education|                         College| 648|   192.5478|
#> |                     |                     High.School| 523|   193.4532|
#> |                     |                          School|  96|   194.9062|
#> +---------------------+--------------------------------+----+-----------+
#> |              married|                         Married| 751|   194.0306|
#> |                     |                   Never.married| 226|   182.8761|
#> |                     |              Previously.married| 290|   198.6586|
#> +---------------------+--------------------------------+----+-----------+
#> |               income|                            <25k| 344|   191.9564|
#> |                     |                Between.25kto54k| 435|   191.9310|
#> |                     |                Between.55kto99k| 297|   195.7508|
#> |                     |                        Over100k| 191|   193.7016|
#> +---------------------+--------------------------------+----+-----------+
#> |          diastolicBP|                        [ 0, 64)| 336|   186.7649|
#> |                     |                        [64, 72)| 321|   189.3458|
#> |                     |                        [72, 80)| 319|   195.7085|
#> |                     |                        [80,112]| 291|   201.6976|
#> +---------------------+--------------------------------+----+-----------+
#> |           systolicBP|                       [ 84,116)| 340|   186.2765|
#> |                     |                       [116,126)| 317|   190.6372|
#> |                     |                       [126,138)| 335|   196.9881|
#> |                     |                       [138,236]| 275|   199.6400|
#> +---------------------+--------------------------------+----+-----------+
#> |           bodyweight|                    [39.7, 69.8)| 319|   193.8903|
#> |                     |                    [69.8, 81.5)| 316|   197.1424|
#> |                     |                    [81.5, 97.2)| 317|   192.4984|
#> |                     |                    [97.2,178.4]| 315|   188.8508|
#> +---------------------+--------------------------------+----+-----------+
#> |           bodyheight|                       [144,163)| 317|   198.7003|
#> |                     |                       [163,169)| 320|   193.7750|
#> |                     |                       [169,176)| 314|   189.8790|
#> |                     |                       [176,201]| 316|   190.0000|
#> +---------------------+--------------------------------+----+-----------+
#> |                  bmi|                     [16.3,24.9)| 322|   188.8043|
#> |                     |                     [24.9,28.7)| 315|   198.5016|
#> |                     |                     [28.7,33.4)| 317|   197.5016|
#> |                     |                     [33.4,64.5]| 313|   187.6262|
#> +---------------------+--------------------------------+----+-----------+
#> |                waist|                   [ 65.0, 90.7)| 320|   188.9688|
#> |                     |                   [ 90.7,100.4)| 315|   199.6413|
#> |                     |                   [100.4,111.3)| 316|   197.3892|
#> |                     |                   [111.3,161.5]| 316|   186.4747|
#> +---------------------+--------------------------------+----+-----------+
#> |                smoke|             | 448|   191.5938|
#> |                     |            | 665|   194.6451|
#> |                     |                       Some.days| 154|   190.8117|
#> +---------------------+--------------------------------+----+-----------+
#> |              alcohol|                               1| 336|   191.0387|
#> |                     |                               2| 371|   192.0809|
#> |                     |                          [3, 5)| 295|   195.9356|
#> |                     |                          [5,15]| 265|   193.9849|
#> +---------------------+--------------------------------+----+-----------+
#> |        triglycerides|                      [ 18,  85)| 320|   172.2344|
#> |                     |                      [ 85, 128)| 319|   185.6834|
#> |                     |                      [128, 203)| 314|   199.4140|
#> |                     |                      [203,3061]| 314|   215.5860|
#> +---------------------+--------------------------------+----+-----------+
#> |            uric.acid|                      [1.6, 4.7)| 348|   188.9310|
#> |                     |                      [4.7, 5.6)| 305|   191.8033|
#> |                     |                      [5.6, 6.6)| 307|   195.7720|
#> |                     |                      [6.6,18.0]| 307|   196.4430|
#> +---------------------+--------------------------------+----+-----------+
#> |              protein|                       [5.7,6.9)| 336|   189.8631|
#> |                     |                       [6.9,7.2)| 328|   192.3201|
#> |                     |                       [7.2,7.5)| 310|   193.4258|
#> |                     |                       [7.5,9.0]| 293|   197.3413|
#> +---------------------+--------------------------------+----+-----------+
#> |            bilirubin|                       [0.0,0.5)| 506|   195.7391|
#> |                     |                             0.5| 212|   192.2264|
#> |                     |                       [0.6,0.8)| 310|   192.0645|
#> |                     |                       [0.8,3.3]| 239|   189.6318|
#> +---------------------+--------------------------------+----+-----------+
#> |           phosphorus|                       [1.8,3.4)| 362|   188.0387|
#> |                     |                       [3.4,3.7)| 309|   192.5405|
#> |                     |                       [3.7,4.1)| 323|   195.5542|
#> |                     |                       [4.1,6.1]| 273|   197.5421|
#> +---------------------+--------------------------------+----+-----------+
#> |               sodium|                       [124,138)| 362|   191.9420|
#> |                     |                       [138,140)| 495|   194.2929|
#> |                     |                             140| 206|   191.7864|
#> |                     |                       [141,148]| 204|   193.5882|
#> +---------------------+--------------------------------+----+-----------+
#> |            potassium|                     [2.60,3.79)| 320|   191.5375|
#> |                     |                     [3.79,3.99)| 328|   192.3628|
#> |                     |                     [3.99,4.20)| 308|   196.9643|
#> |                     |                     [4.20,5.51]| 311|   191.6592|
#> +---------------------+--------------------------------+----+-----------+
#> |             globulin|                       [1.6,2.6)| 350|   189.9429|
#> |                     |                       [2.6,2.9)| 388|   199.0052|
#> |                     |                       [2.9,3.1)| 230|   193.3783|
#> |                     |                       [3.1,5.5]| 299|   188.9197|
#> +---------------------+--------------------------------+----+-----------+
#> |              calcium|                      [8.4, 9.2)| 371|   186.0323|
#> |                     |                      [9.2, 9.4)| 294|   188.3605|
#> |                     |                      [9.4, 9.7)| 395|   197.4430|
#> |                     |                      [9.7,11.1]| 207|   204.2126|
#> +---------------------+--------------------------------+----+-----------+
#> ||                              No| 895|   194.0078|
#> |                     |                             Yes| 372|   190.9167|
#> +---------------------+--------------------------------+----+-----------+
#> |physical.recreational|                              No|1002|   193.5359|
#> |                     |                             Yes| 265|   191.4528|
#> +---------------------+--------------------------------+----+-----------+
#> |             diabetes|                              No|1064|   194.8036|
#> |                     |                             Yes| 203|   184.1724|
#> +---------------------+--------------------------------+----+-----------+
#> |              Overall|                                |1267|   193.1002|
#> +---------------------+--------------------------------+----+-----------+

#>    Min. 1st Qu.  Median    Mean 3rd Qu.    Max. 
#>    0.00   62.00   70.00   70.37   78.00  112.00

analytic$diastolicBP[analytic$diastolicBP == 0] <- NA

# Bivariate Summaries Computed Separately by a Series of Predictors
var.summ2 <- spearman2(cholesterol~ ., data = analytic[sel.names])

Regression: Linear regression

A linear regression model is fitted to explore the association between cholesterol levels and triglycerides. Various summary statistics are also generated for the model.


We use lm function to fit the linear regression

# set up formula with just 1 variable
formula0 <- as.formula("cholesterol~triglycerides")

# fitting regression on the analytic2 data
fit0 <- lm(formula0,data = analytic2)

# extract results
#> Call:
#> lm(formula = formula0, data = analytic2)
#> Residuals:
#>      Min       1Q   Median       3Q      Max 
#> -111.651  -26.157   -2.661   22.549  166.752 
#> Coefficients:
#>                Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)    
#> (Intercept)   1.716e+02  1.127e+00  152.23   <2e-16 ***
#> triglycerides 1.275e-01  5.456e-03   23.37   <2e-16 ***
#> ---
#> Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
#> Residual standard error: 37.38 on 2632 degrees of freedom
#> Multiple R-squared:  0.1718, Adjusted R-squared:  0.1715 
#> F-statistic:   546 on 1 and 2632 DF,  p-value: < 2.2e-16

# extract just the coefficients/estimates
#>   (Intercept) triglycerides 
#>   171.6147531     0.1274909

# extract confidence intervals
#>                     2.5 %      97.5 %
#> (Intercept)   169.4042284 173.8252779
#> triglycerides   0.1167919   0.1381899

# residual plots
layout(matrix(1:6, byrow = T, ncol = 3))
plot(fit0, which = 1:6)


Identifying problematic data

Outliers: We can begin by plotting cholesterol against triglycerides to visualize any potential outliers. We can then identify data points where triglycerides are high.

Leverage: It calculates and plots leverage points. Leverage points that have values greater than 0.05 are isolated for inspection.

Residuals: Studentized residuals are computed for each data point to identify potential outliers. Those with values less than -5 are identified.

# Outlier
plot(cholesterol ~ triglycerides, data = analytic2)

subset(analytic2, triglycerides > 1500)

# leverage

analytic2$lev <- hat(model.matrix(fit0))

#>      Min.   1st Qu.    Median      Mean   3rd Qu.      Max. 
#> 0.0003796 0.0004062 0.0004773 0.0007593 0.0005831 0.1800021
which(analytic2$lev > 0.05)
#> [1] 1102
subset(analytic2, lev > 0.05)

# Residual
analytic2$rstudent.values <- rstudent(fit0)

which(analytic2$rstudent.values < -5)
#> integer(0)
# Heteroskedasticity: Test for constant variance
#ols_test_breusch_pagan(fit0, rhs = TRUE)
Deleting suspicious data

We then delete observations based on two conditions: triglycerides > 1500 and leverage > 0.05.

# condition 1: triglycerides above 1500 needs deleting
analytic2b <- subset(analytic2, triglycerides < 1500)
#> [1] 2632   34

# condition 2: leverage above 0.05 needs deleting
analytic3 <- subset(analytic2b, lev < 0.05)
#> [1] 2632   34

# Check how many observations are deleted
#> [1] 2
Refitting in cleaned data

We refit the linear model on this cleaned data, and diagnostic plots are generated.

### Re-fit in data analytic3 (without problematic data)
#> cholesterol ~ triglycerides
fit0 <- lm(formula0,data = analytic3)

#>       Variable Units Coefficient           CI.95 p-value 
#>    (Intercept)            171.74 [169.37;174.11] < 1e-04 
#>  triglycerides              0.13     [0.11;0.14] < 1e-04
layout(matrix(1:6, byrow = T, ncol = 3))
plot(fit0, which = 1:6)

# component+residual plot or partial-residual plot

Polynomial order 2

We fit polynomial models of orders 2 and 3 to explore non-linear relationships between cholesterol and triglycerides.

formula1 <- as.formula("cholesterol~poly(triglycerides,2)")
formula1 <- as.formula("cholesterol~triglycerides^2")
fit1 <- lm(formula1,data = analytic3)
#>       Variable Units Coefficient           CI.95 p-value 
#>    (Intercept)            171.74 [169.37;174.11] < 1e-04 
#>  triglycerides              0.13     [0.11;0.14] < 1e-04

# Partial Residual Plots

It seems triglyceride has a quadratic effect on cholesterol. We can compare models fit0 and fit1 using the anova function:

# compare fit0 and fit1 models
res0 <- anova(fit0,fit1)
#> Analysis of Variance Table
#> Model 1: cholesterol ~ triglycerides
#> Model 2: cholesterol ~ triglycerides^2
#>   Res.Df     RSS Df Sum of Sq F Pr(>F)
#> 1   2630 3673461                      
#> 2   2630 3673461  0         0
Polynomial order 3
# Fit a polynomial of order 3
formula2 <- as.formula("cholesterol~poly(triglycerides,3)")
formula2 <- as.formula("cholesterol~triglycerides^3")
fit2 <- lm(formula2,data = analytic3)
#>       Variable Units Coefficient           CI.95 p-value 
#>    (Intercept)            171.74 [169.37;174.11] < 1e-04 
#>  triglycerides              0.13     [0.11;0.14] < 1e-04

# Partial Residual Plots

# compare fit1 and fit2 models
res1 <- anova(fit1,fit2)
#> Analysis of Variance Table
#> Model 1: cholesterol ~ triglycerides^2
#> Model 2: cholesterol ~ triglycerides^3
#>   Res.Df     RSS Df Sum of Sq F Pr(>F)
#> 1   2630 3673461                      
#> 2   2630 3673461  0         0
Multiple covariates

We add more covariates.

# include everything!
formula3 <- as.formula("cholesterol ~ gender + age + born + race + 
                       education + married + income + diastolicBP + 
                       systolicBP + bmi + bodyweight + bodyheight + 
                       waist +  triglycerides + uric.acid + protein +
                       bilirubin + phosphorus + sodium + potassium + 
                       globulin + calcium + + 
                       physical.recreational + diabetes")
fit3 <- lm(formula3, data = analytic3)
#>               Variable                            Units Coefficient           CI.95     p-value 
#>            (Intercept)                                       280.02 [133.42;426.62]   0.0001852 
#>                 gender                           Female         Ref                             
#>                                                    Male      -11.99  [-16.41;-7.57]     < 1e-04 
#>                    age                                         0.35     [0.23;0.47]     < 1e-04 
#>                   born Born in 50 US states or Washingt         Ref                             
#>                                                  Others        7.52    [3.68;11.36]   0.0001270 
#>                   race                            Black         Ref                             
#>                                                Hispanic       -6.15  [-10.87;-1.44]   0.0106253 
#>                                                   Other       -5.37   [-10.92;0.18]   0.0579281 
#>                                                   White       -0.95    [-5.21;3.30]   0.6603698 
#>              education                          College         Ref                             
#>                                             High.School        2.90    [-0.28;6.08]   0.0743132 
#>                                                  School       -2.54    [-8.61;3.54]   0.4134016 
#>                married                          Married         Ref                             
#>                                           Never.married       -5.72   [-9.63;-1.81]   0.0041887 
#>                                      Previously.married        0.31    [-3.54;4.17]   0.8730460 
#>                 income                             <25k         Ref                             
#>                                        Between.25kto54k       -0.97    [-4.87;2.93]   0.6261315 
#>                                        Between.55kto99k        2.29    [-1.98;6.56]   0.2928564 
#>                                                Over100k        2.44    [-2.27;7.14]   0.3099380 
#>            diastolicBP                                         0.38     [0.25;0.50]     < 1e-04 
#>             systolicBP                                         0.02    [-0.08;0.12]   0.6668119 
#>                    bmi                                        -2.55   [-4.29;-0.81]   0.0041392 
#>             bodyweight                                         0.82     [0.19;1.45]   0.0105518 
#>             bodyheight                                        -0.89   [-1.55;-0.24]   0.0074286 
#>                  waist                                        -0.02    [-0.29;0.26]   0.9020424 
#>          triglycerides                                         0.12     [0.11;0.14]     < 1e-04 
#>              uric.acid                                         1.27     [0.08;2.47]   0.0369190 
#>                protein                                         4.99   [-0.77;10.74]   0.0897748 
#>              bilirubin                                        -5.43  [-10.53;-0.33]   0.0370512 
#>             phosphorus                                        -0.18    [-2.81;2.45]   0.8939361 
#>                 sodium                                        -0.97   [-1.66;-0.29]   0.0052516 
#>              potassium                                         1.04    [-3.44;5.52]   0.6487979 
#>               globulin                                        -2.25    [-8.22;3.71]   0.4591138 
#>                calcium                                        12.02    [6.98;17.07]     < 1e-04 
#>                               No         Ref                             
#>                                                     Yes       -0.45    [-3.68;2.79]   0.7858787 
#>  physical.recreational                               No         Ref                             
#>                                                     Yes        1.35    [-1.94;4.65]   0.4210703 
#>               diabetes                               No         Ref                             
#>                                                     Yes      -19.11 [-23.37;-14.85]     < 1e-04

We finally check for multicollinearity among predictors using the Variance Inflation Factor (VIF).


Rule of thumb: variables with VIF > 4 needs further investigation

#>                             GVIF Df GVIF^(1/(2*Df))
#> gender                  2.694171  1        1.641393
#> age                     2.164388  1        1.471186
#> born                    1.611478  1        1.269440
#> race                    2.463445  3        1.162137
#> education               1.435876  2        1.094660
#> married                 1.481141  2        1.103187
#> income                  1.402249  3        1.057964
#> diastolicBP             1.271126  1        1.127442
#> systolicBP              1.594986  1        1.262928
#> bmi                    81.811969  1        9.044997
#> bodyweight            101.102349  1       10.054966
#> bodyheight             21.863188  1        4.675809
#> waist                  11.913719  1        3.451626
#> triglycerides           1.219331  1        1.104233
#> uric.acid               1.603290  1        1.266211
#> protein                 3.622385  1        1.903256
#> bilirubin               1.185035  1        1.088593
#> phosphorus              1.116982  1        1.056874
#> sodium                  1.120920  1        1.058735
#> potassium               1.178381  1        1.085533
#> globulin                3.371211  1        1.836086
#> calcium                 1.591677  1        1.261617
#>           1.087315  1        1.042744
#> physical.recreational   1.226830  1        1.107624
#> diabetes                1.210715  1        1.100325
collinearity <- ols_vif_tol(fit3)

# VIF > 4
formula4 <- as.formula("cholesterol ~ gender + age + born + 
             race + education + married + 
             income + diastolicBP + systolicBP + 
             bmi + # bodyweight + bodyheight + waist +  
             triglycerides + uric.acid + 
             protein + bilirubin + phosphorus + sodium + potassium + 
             globulin + calcium + + physical.recreational + 
fit4 <- lm(formula4, data = analytic3)
#>               Variable                            Units Coefficient           CI.95    p-value 
#>            (Intercept)                                       136.87  [34.96;238.79]   0.008533 
#>                 gender                           Female         Ref                            
#>                                                    Male      -13.06  [-16.60;-9.53]    < 1e-04 
#>                    age                                         0.35     [0.24;0.46]    < 1e-04 
#>                   born Born in 50 US states or Washingt         Ref                            
#>                                                  Others        7.88    [4.06;11.69]    < 1e-04 
#>                   race                            Black         Ref                            
#>                                                Hispanic       -5.79  [-10.34;-1.24]   0.012740 
#>                                                   Other       -4.88   [-10.33;0.57]   0.079497 
#>                                                   White       -0.85    [-5.02;3.33]   0.690720 
#>              education                          College         Ref                            
#>                                             High.School        2.85    [-0.32;6.02]   0.078008 
#>                                                  School       -2.45    [-8.49;3.60]   0.427694 
#>                married                          Married         Ref                            
#>                                           Never.married       -5.74   [-9.65;-1.83]   0.004088 
#>                                      Previously.married        0.34    [-3.52;4.20]   0.861981 
#>                 income                             <25k         Ref                            
#>                                        Between.25kto54k       -0.87    [-4.77;3.03]   0.663123 
#>                                        Between.55kto99k        2.46    [-1.79;6.71]   0.256585 
#>                                                Over100k        2.63    [-2.07;7.32]   0.272886 
#>            diastolicBP                                         0.37     [0.25;0.50]    < 1e-04 
#>             systolicBP                                         0.03    [-0.07;0.13]   0.544971 
#>                    bmi                                        -0.31   [-0.54;-0.08]   0.009302 
#>          triglycerides                                         0.12     [0.11;0.14]    < 1e-04 
#>              uric.acid                                         1.36     [0.16;2.55]   0.025926 
#>                protein                                         4.77   [-0.98;10.51]   0.104059 
#>              bilirubin                                        -6.06  [-11.14;-0.98]   0.019519 
#>             phosphorus                                        -0.08    [-2.71;2.55]   0.954561 
#>                 sodium                                        -1.03   [-1.71;-0.35]   0.003175 
#>              potassium                                         0.89    [-3.58;5.37]   0.695615 
#>               globulin                                        -2.20    [-8.15;3.75]   0.469150 
#>                calcium                                        12.20    [7.16;17.25]    < 1e-04 
#>                               No         Ref                            
#>                                                     Yes       -0.44    [-3.68;2.80]   0.790297 
#>  physical.recreational                               No         Ref                            
#>                                                     Yes        1.24    [-2.03;4.51]   0.457666 
#>               diabetes                               No         Ref                            
#>                                                     Yes      -19.03 [-23.26;-14.80]    < 1e-04

# check if there is still any problematic variable
# with high collinearity problem
collinearity <- ols_vif_tol(fit4)

Save data

save.image(file = "Data/predictivefactors/cholesterolNHANES15part1.RData")