Replicate Results

The tutorial aims to guide the users through fitting machine learning techniques with health survey data. We will replicate some of the results of this article by Falasinnu et al. (2023).

Falasinnu T, Hossain MB, Weber II KA, Helmick CG, Karim ME, Mackey S. The Problem of Pain in the United States: A Population-Based Characterization of Biopsychosocial Correlates of High Impact Chronic Pain Using the National Health Interview Survey. The Journal of Pain. 2023;24(6):1094-103. DOI: 10.1016/j.jpain.2023.03.008

The authors used the National Health Interview Survey (NHIS) 2016 dataset to develop prediction models for predicting high impact chronic pain (HICP). They also evaluated the predictive performances of the models within sociodemographic subgroups, such as sex (male, female), age (\(<65\), \(\ge 65\)), and race/ethnicity (White, Black, Hispanic). They used LASSO and random forest models with 5-fold cross-validation as an internal validation. To obtain population-level predictions, they account for survey weights in both models.

For those interested in the National Health Interview Survey (NHIS) dataset, can review the earlier tutorial about the dataset.


To handle missing data in the predictors, they used multiple imputation technique. However, for simplicity, this tutorial focuses on a complete case dataset. We will also only focus on predicting HICP for people aged 65 years or older (a dataset of ~8,800 participants compared to the dataset of 33,000 participants aged 18 years or older).

Load packages

We load several R packages required for fitting LASSO and random forest models.

# Load required packages

Analytic dataset


We load the dataset into the R environment and lists all available variables and objects.

#> [1] "dat"             "has_annotations"
#> [1] 8881   49

The dataset contains 8,881 participants aged 65 years or older with 49 variables:

  • studyid: Unique identifier
  • psu: Pseudo-PSU
  • strata: Pseudo-stratum
  • weight: Sampling weight
  • HICP: HICP (binary outcome variable)
  • age: Age
  • sex: Sex
  • hhsize: Number of people in household
  • born: Citizenship
  • marital: Marital status
  • region: Region
  • race: Race/ethnicity
  • education: Education
  • employment.status: Employment status
  • poverty.status: Poverty status
  • veteran: Veteran
  • insurance: Health insurance coverage
  • sex.orientation: Sexual orientation
  • Worried about money
  • good.neighborhood: Good neighborhood
  • psy.symptom: Psychological symptoms
  • visit.ED: Number of times in ER/ED
  • surgery: Number of surgeries in past 12 months
  • dr.visit: Time since doctor visits
  • cancer: Cancer
  • asthma: Asthma
  • htn: Hypertension
  • liver.disease: Liver disease
  • diabetes: Diabetes
  • ulcer: Ulcer
  • stroke: Stroke
  • emphysema: Emphysema
  • copd: COPD
  • high.cholesterol: High cholesterol
  • coronary.heart.disease: Coronary heart disease
  • angina: Angina pectoris
  • heart.attack: Heart attack
  • heart.disease: Heart condition/disease
  • arthritis: Arthritis and rheumatism
  • crohns.disease: Crohn’s disease
  • Usual place for routine care
  • trouble.asleep: Trouble falling asleep
  • obese: Obesity
  • current.smoker: Current smoker
  • heavy.drinker: Heavy drinker
  • hospitalization: Hospital stay days
  • Better health status
  • physical.activity: Physical activity

See the NHIS 2016 dataset and the article for better understanding of the variables.

Complete case data

# Age
table(dat$age, useNA = "always")
#>  <65  65+ <NA> 
#>    0 8881    0

Let us consider a complete case dataset

dat.complete <- na.omit(dat)
#> [1] 7280   49

As we can see, there are 7,280 participants with complete case information. Let’s see the descriptive statistics of the predictors stratified by HICP.

Descriptive statistics

# Predictors
predictors <- c("sex", "hhsize", "born", "marital", 
                "region", "race", "education", 
                "employment.status", "poverty.status",
                "veteran", "insurance", 
                "sex.orientation", "", 
                "psy.symptom", "visit.ED", "surgery", 
                "dr.visit", "cancer", 
                "asthma", "htn", "liver.disease", 
                "diabetes", "ulcer", "stroke",
                "emphysema", "copd", "high.cholesterol",
                "angina", "heart.attack", 
                "heart.disease", "arthritis", 
                "crohns.disease", "", 
                "trouble.asleep", "obese", 
                "current.smoker", "heavy.drinker",

# Table 1 - Unweighted 
tbl_summary(data = dat.complete, 
            include = predictors, 
            by = HICP, missing = "no") %>% 
                           "stat_2") ~ "**HICP**")
Characteristic HICP
0, N = 6,3891 1, N = 8911

    Female 3,587 (56%) 569 (64%)
    Male 2,802 (44%) 322 (36%)
hhsize 2 (1, 2) 2 (1, 2)

    Born in US 5,775 (90%) 802 (90%)
    Other place 614 (9.6%) 89 (10.0%)

    Never married 411 (6.4%) 57 (6.4%)
    Married/with partner 2,990 (47%) 349 (39%)
    Divorced/separated 1,161 (18%) 179 (20%)
    Widowed 1,827 (29%) 306 (34%)

    Northeast 1,172 (18%) 143 (16%)
    Midwest 1,451 (23%) 189 (21%)
    South 2,203 (34%) 331 (37%)
    West 1,563 (24%) 228 (26%)

    White 5,090 (80%) 694 (78%)
    Black 564 (8.8%) 88 (9.9%)
    Hispanic 406 (6.4%) 70 (7.9%)
    Others 329 (5.1%) 39 (4.4%)

    Less than high school 954 (15%) 220 (25%)
    High school/GED 1,863 (29%) 269 (30%)
    Some college 1,716 (27%) 248 (28%)
    Bachelors degree or higher 1,856 (29%) 154 (17%)

    Employed hourly 578 (9.0%) 22 (2.5%)
    Employed non-hourly 608 (9.5%) 27 (3.0%)
    Worked previously 4,923 (77%) 777 (87%)
    Never worked 280 (4.4%) 65 (7.3%)

    <100% FPL 496 (7.8%) 154 (17%)
    100-200% FPL 1,401 (22%) 276 (31%)
    200-400% FPL 2,157 (34%) 283 (32%)
    400%+ FPL 2,335 (37%) 178 (20%)
veteran 1,482 (23%) 163 (18%)

    Uninsured 32 (0.5%) 6 (0.7%)
    Medicaid/Medicare 2,995 (47%) 478 (54%)
    Privately Insured 2,847 (45%) 311 (35%)
    Other 515 (8.1%) 96 (11%)

    Heterosexual 6,224 (97%) 861 (97%)
    Other 165 (2.6%) 30 (3.4%) 2,351 (37%) 491 (55%)
good.neighborhood 5,988 (94%) 781 (88%)
psy.symptom 694 (11%) 353 (40%)

    None 5,050 (79%) 531 (60%)
    One 949 (15%) 187 (21%)
    2-3 313 (4.9%) 123 (14%)
    4+ 77 (1.2%) 50 (5.6%)

    None 5,218 (82%) 650 (73%)
    One 898 (14%) 176 (20%)
    Two 206 (3.2%) 44 (4.9%)
    3+ 67 (1.0%) 21 (2.4%)

    <6 months 5,390 (84%) 837 (94%)
    6-12 months 591 (9.3%) 41 (4.6%)
    1-5 years 281 (4.4%) 10 (1.1%)
    >5 years/never 127 (2.0%) 3 (0.3%)
cancer 1,566 (25%) 271 (30%)
asthma 645 (10%) 176 (20%)
htn 3,953 (62%) 689 (77%)
liver.disease 122 (1.9%) 50 (5.6%)
diabetes 1,179 (18%) 278 (31%)
ulcer 545 (8.5%) 161 (18%)
stroke 485 (7.6%) 130 (15%)
emphysema 235 (3.7%) 76 (8.5%)
copd 496 (7.8%) 145 (16%)
high.cholesterol 3,373 (53%) 577 (65%)
coronary.heart.disease 814 (13%) 211 (24%)
angina 298 (4.7%) 100 (11%)
heart.attack 552 (8.6%) 154 (17%)
heart.disease 1,083 (17%) 210 (24%)
arthritis 3,017 (47%) 700 (79%)
crohns.disease 102 (1.6%) 29 (3.3%)

    No place 235 (3.7%) 26 (2.9%)
    Doctor's office 4,634 (73%) 621 (70%)
    Hospital/Clinic 1,403 (22%) 221 (25%)
    Other place 117 (1.8%) 23 (2.6%)
trouble.asleep 1,970 (31%) 424 (48%)
obese 1,757 (28%) 397 (45%)
current.smoker 565 (8.8%) 111 (12%)
heavy.drinker 308 (4.8%) 25 (2.8%)

    None 5,009 (78%) 503 (56%)
    1-2 days 592 (9.3%) 57 (6.4%)
    3-5 days 360 (5.6%) 63 (7.1%)
    6+ days 428 (6.7%) 268 (30%) 890 (14%) 119 (13%)

    Less 3,734 (58%) 743 (83%)
    Moderate 1,794 (28%) 108 (12%)
    High 861 (13%) 40 (4.5%)
1 n (%); Median (IQR)

LASSO for surveys

Now, we will fit the LASSO model for predicting binary HICP with the listed predictors. Similar to the previous chapter, we will normalize the weight.

Weight normalization

# Normalize weight
dat.complete$wgt <- dat.complete$weight * 

# Weight summary
#>    Min. 1st Qu.  Median    Mean 3rd Qu.    Max. 
#>     243    1503    2583    2886    3747   14662
#>    Min. 1st Qu.  Median    Mean 3rd Qu.    Max. 
#>  0.0842  0.5208  0.8950  1.0000  1.2983  5.0804

# The weighted and unweighted n are equal
#> [1] 7280
#> [1] 7280


Let’s create five random folds and specify the regression formula.

k <- 5
nfolds <- sample(1:k, 
                 size = nrow(dat.complete), 
                 replace = T)
#> nfolds
#>    1    2    3    4    5 
#> 1451 1457 1496 1468 1408


Formula <- formula(paste("HICP ~ ", paste(predictors, 
                                          collapse=" + ")))
#> HICP ~ sex + hhsize + born + marital + region + race + education + 
#>     employment.status + poverty.status + veteran + insurance + 
#>     sex.orientation + + good.neighborhood + psy.symptom + 
#>     visit.ED + surgery + dr.visit + cancer + asthma + htn + liver.disease + 
#>     diabetes + ulcer + stroke + emphysema + copd + high.cholesterol + 
#>     coronary.heart.disease + angina + heart.attack + heart.disease + 
#>     arthritis + crohns.disease + + trouble.asleep + 
#>     obese + current.smoker + heavy.drinker + hospitalization + 
#> + physical.activity

5-fold CV LASSO

Now, we will fit the LASSO model with 5-fold cross-validation (CV). Here are the steps:

  • For fold 1, folds 2-5 is the training set and fold 1 is the test set
  • Fit 5-fold cross-validation on the training set to find the value of lambda that gives minimum prediction error. Incorporate sampling weights in the model to account for survey design.
  • Fit LASSO on the training with the optimum lambda from the previous step. Incorporate sampling weights in the model to account for survey design.
  • Calculate predictive performance (e.g., AUC) on the test set
  • Repeat the analysis for all folds.
fit.lasso <- list(NULL)
auc.lasso <- NULL
cal.slope.lasso <- NULL
brier.lasso <- NULL
for (fold in 1:k) {
  # Training data
  dat.train <- dat.complete[nfolds != fold, ]
  X.train <- model.matrix(Formula, dat.train)[,-1]
  y.train <- as.matrix(dat.train$HICP)
  # Test data
  dat.test <- dat.complete[nfolds == fold, ]
  X.test <- model.matrix(Formula, dat.test)[,-1]
  y.test <- as.matrix(dat.test$HICP)
  # Find the optimum lambda using 5-fold CV <- cv.glmnet(x = X.train, 
                            y = y.train, 
                            nfolds = 5, 
                            alpha = 1, 
                            family = "binomial", 
                            weights = dat.train$wgt)
  # Fit the model on the training set with optimum lambda
  fit.lasso[[fold]] <- glmnet(
    x = X.train, 
    y = y.train, 
    alpha = 1, 
    family = "binomial",
    lambda =$lambda.min,
    weights = dat.train$wgt)
  # Prediction on the test set
  dat.test$pred.lasso <- predict(fit.lasso[[fold]], 
                                 newx = X.test, 
                                 type = "response")
  # AUC on the test set with sampling weights
  auc.lasso[fold] <- WeightedAUC(
                weight = dat.test$wgt))
  # Weighted calibration slope <- glm(
    HICP ~ Logit(dat.test$pred.lasso), 
    data = dat.test, 
    family = binomial, 
    weights = wgt)
  cal.slope.lasso[fold] <- summary($coef[2,1]
  # Weighted Brier Score
  brier.lasso[fold] <- mean(
    brierscore(HICP ~ dat.test$pred.lasso,
               data = dat.test, 
               wt = dat.test$wgt))

Model performance

Let’s check how prediction worked.

# Fitted LASSO models
#> Call:  glmnet(x = X.train, y = y.train, family = "binomial", weights = dat.train$wgt,      alpha = 1, lambda =$lambda.min) 
#>   Df  %Dev   Lambda
#> 1 46 23.91 0.002972
#> Call:  glmnet(x = X.train, y = y.train, family = "binomial", weights = dat.train$wgt,      alpha = 1, lambda =$lambda.min) 
#>   Df  %Dev   Lambda
#> 1 47 25.32 0.002559
#> Call:  glmnet(x = X.train, y = y.train, family = "binomial", weights = dat.train$wgt,      alpha = 1, lambda =$lambda.min) 
#>   Df %Dev   Lambda
#> 1 47 24.3 0.002724
#> Call:  glmnet(x = X.train, y = y.train, family = "binomial", weights = dat.train$wgt,      alpha = 1, lambda =$lambda.min) 
#>   Df  %Dev   Lambda
#> 1 34 25.27 0.004726
#> Call:  glmnet(x = X.train, y = y.train, family = "binomial", weights = dat.train$wgt,      alpha = 1, lambda =$lambda.min) 
#>   Df  %Dev   Lambda
#> 1 39 24.32 0.003525
# Intercept from the LASSO models in different folds
#>        s0 
#> -3.733405
#>        s0 
#> -3.534898
#>        s0 
#> -3.486223
#>        s0 
#> -3.800206
#>       s0 
#> -3.68776
# Beta coefficients from the LASSO models in different folds
#> 67 x 1 sparse Matrix of class "dgCMatrix"
#>                                                 s0
#> sexMale                               .           
#> hhsize                                0.0092060605
#> bornOther place                       .           
#> maritalMarried/with partner           .           
#> maritalDivorced/separated             .           
#> maritalWidowed                        0.0926365970
#> regionMidwest                         .           
#> regionSouth                           .           
#> regionWest                            0.1470219542
#> raceBlack                            -0.0436983700
#> raceHispanic                          .           
#> raceOthers                            .           
#> educationHigh school/GED              .           
#> educationSome college                 .           
#> educationBachelors degree or higher   .           
#> employment.statusEmployed non-hourly  .           
#> employment.statusWorked previously    0.5412332930
#> employment.statusNever worked         0.8300536966
#> poverty.status100-200% FPL            0.0636289868
#> poverty.status200-400% FPL           -0.0697612513
#> poverty.status400%+ FPL              -0.2887583235
#> veteranYes                           -0.0300714331
#> insuranceMedicaid/Medicare            .           
#> insurancePrivately Insured           -0.0924641963
#> insuranceOther                        0.1503323815
#> sex.orientationOther                  0.0765093892
#> worried.moneyYes                      0.2812674935
#> good.neighborhoodYes                 -0.2491796538
#> psy.symptomYes                        0.9726200151
#> visit.EDOne                           0.0674459188
#> visit.ED2-3                           0.1375781535
#> visit.ED4+                            0.4225671575
#> surgeryOne                            .           
#> surgeryTwo                            .           
#> surgery3+                            -0.0839622285
#> dr.visit6-12 months                  -0.2120063637
#> dr.visit1-5 years                    -0.4068474570
#> dr.visit>5 years/never               -0.1453128227
#> cancerYes                             0.0993613856
#> asthmaYes                             0.2997325771
#> htnYes                                0.2082877598
#> liver.diseaseYes                      0.8058966864
#> diabetesYes                           0.0007357323
#> ulcerYes                              0.4180133887
#> strokeYes                             .           
#> emphysemaYes                         -0.0509549802
#> copdYes                               0.1002374105
#> high.cholesterolYes                   0.1021030868
#> coronary.heart.diseaseYes             0.0220558291
#> anginaYes                             0.0849595261
#> heart.attackYes                       0.2476656673
#> heart.diseaseYes                      .           
#> arthritisYes                          0.9746692568
#> crohns.diseaseYes                     .           
#> place.routine.careDoctor's office    -0.0583977619
#> place.routine.careHospital/Clinic     .           
#> place.routine.careOther place         .           
#> trouble.asleepYes                     0.2030296869
#> obeseYes                              0.3879895531
#> current.smokerYes                     0.3374178965
#> heavy.drinkerYes                     -0.1268971235
#> hospitalization1-2 days               0.1192556336
#> hospitalization3-5 days               .           
#> hospitalization6+ days                1.0866087297
#>              -0.1013785074
#> physical.activityModerate            -0.7523741651
#> physical.activityHigh                -0.6865233686
#> 67 x 1 sparse Matrix of class "dgCMatrix"
#>                                                s0
#> sexMale                               .          
#> hhsize                                0.018493189
#> bornOther place                       .          
#> maritalMarried/with partner           .          
#> maritalDivorced/separated            -0.001903136
#> maritalWidowed                        .          
#> regionMidwest                        -0.077656662
#> regionSouth                           0.066061919
#> regionWest                            0.198988965
#> raceBlack                            -0.313705357
#> raceHispanic                         -0.160881871
#> raceOthers                            .          
#> educationHigh school/GED             -0.073948767
#> educationSome college                 .          
#> educationBachelors degree or higher  -0.092601336
#> employment.statusEmployed non-hourly  .          
#> employment.statusWorked previously    0.662301617
#> employment.statusNever worked         0.990458783
#> poverty.status100-200% FPL            .          
#> poverty.status200-400% FPL           -0.253983648
#> poverty.status400%+ FPL              -0.485846823
#> veteranYes                           -0.095649252
#> insuranceMedicaid/Medicare            .          
#> insurancePrivately Insured           -0.005530756
#> insuranceOther                        0.249278523
#> sex.orientationOther                  .          
#> worried.moneyYes                      0.301627606
#> good.neighborhoodYes                 -0.554793692
#> psy.symptomYes                        0.975043141
#> visit.EDOne                           0.058872693
#> visit.ED2-3                           0.255785667
#> visit.ED4+                            0.422172434
#> surgeryOne                            0.002831717
#> surgeryTwo                            0.099101540
#> surgery3+                             .          
#> dr.visit6-12 months                  -0.105087667
#> dr.visit1-5 years                    -0.381233762
#> dr.visit>5 years/never               -0.459656177
#> cancerYes                             0.281041121
#> asthmaYes                             0.427654297
#> htnYes                                0.219625784
#> liver.diseaseYes                      0.580991873
#> diabetesYes                           .          
#> ulcerYes                              0.348542693
#> strokeYes                             0.070369016
#> emphysemaYes                          .          
#> copdYes                               .          
#> high.cholesterolYes                   0.150862244
#> coronary.heart.diseaseYes             0.009536678
#> anginaYes                             .          
#> heart.attackYes                       0.405053759
#> heart.diseaseYes                      .          
#> arthritisYes                          0.954063592
#> crohns.diseaseYes                     .          
#> place.routine.careDoctor's office    -0.045764606
#> place.routine.careHospital/Clinic     .          
#> place.routine.careOther place         0.207253975
#> trouble.asleepYes                     0.212898902
#> obeseYes                              0.389340100
#> current.smokerYes                     0.332982403
#> heavy.drinkerYes                     -0.135194457
#> hospitalization1-2 days               .          
#> hospitalization3-5 days               .          
#> hospitalization6+ days                1.018420971
#>              -0.001173805
#> physical.activityModerate            -0.703703292
#> physical.activityHigh                -0.677811398
#> 67 x 1 sparse Matrix of class "dgCMatrix"
#>                                               s0
#> sexMale                              -0.03555390
#> hhsize                                0.01276707
#> bornOther place                       .         
#> maritalMarried/with partner          -0.00226132
#> maritalDivorced/separated             .         
#> maritalWidowed                        .         
#> regionMidwest                         .         
#> regionSouth                           .         
#> regionWest                            0.25300309
#> raceBlack                            -0.21629021
#> raceHispanic                          .         
#> raceOthers                            0.07458935
#> educationHigh school/GED             -0.07527970
#> educationSome college                 .         
#> educationBachelors degree or higher  -0.08524865
#> employment.statusEmployed non-hourly  .         
#> employment.statusWorked previously    0.66693373
#> employment.statusNever worked         0.96274685
#> poverty.status100-200% FPL            .         
#> poverty.status200-400% FPL           -0.11543598
#> poverty.status400%+ FPL              -0.31422327
#> veteranYes                           -0.08849244
#> insuranceMedicaid/Medicare            .         
#> insurancePrivately Insured           -0.14856615
#> insuranceOther                        0.14368311
#> sex.orientationOther                  .         
#> worried.moneyYes                      0.28107756
#> good.neighborhoodYes                 -0.37214169
#> psy.symptomYes                        1.02129791
#> visit.EDOne                           0.11427725
#> visit.ED2-3                           0.23654896
#> visit.ED4+                            0.53011900
#> surgeryOne                            0.06030144
#> surgeryTwo                            .         
#> surgery3+                            -0.28355643
#> dr.visit6-12 months                  -0.04219568
#> dr.visit1-5 years                    -0.83131719
#> dr.visit>5 years/never               -0.48832578
#> cancerYes                             0.18366379
#> asthmaYes                             0.13556093
#> htnYes                                0.12622357
#> liver.diseaseYes                      0.62123990
#> diabetesYes                           .         
#> ulcerYes                              0.39650846
#> strokeYes                             .         
#> emphysemaYes                          .         
#> copdYes                               0.16563326
#> high.cholesterolYes                   0.10541633
#> coronary.heart.diseaseYes             0.08229669
#> anginaYes                             .         
#> heart.attackYes                       0.37154172
#> heart.diseaseYes                      .         
#> arthritisYes                          0.91902311
#> crohns.diseaseYes                    -0.01478240
#> place.routine.careDoctor's office    -0.04968533
#> place.routine.careHospital/Clinic     .         
#> place.routine.careOther place         0.20094580
#> trouble.asleepYes                     0.07725267
#> obeseYes                              0.40542559
#> current.smokerYes                     0.27207489
#> heavy.drinkerYes                     -0.06932537
#> hospitalization1-2 days              -0.13525647
#> hospitalization3-5 days               .         
#> hospitalization6+ days                1.02580763
#>               .         
#> physical.activityModerate            -0.74686507
#> physical.activityHigh                -0.90554222
#> 67 x 1 sparse Matrix of class "dgCMatrix"
#>                                                s0
#> sexMale                               .          
#> hhsize                                .          
#> bornOther place                       .          
#> maritalMarried/with partner           .          
#> maritalDivorced/separated             .          
#> maritalWidowed                        .          
#> regionMidwest                         .          
#> regionSouth                           .          
#> regionWest                            0.151732262
#> raceBlack                            -0.063747960
#> raceHispanic                          .          
#> raceOthers                            .          
#> educationHigh school/GED              .          
#> educationSome college                 .          
#> educationBachelors degree or higher   .          
#> employment.statusEmployed non-hourly  .          
#> employment.statusWorked previously    0.521879242
#> employment.statusNever worked         0.671265401
#> poverty.status100-200% FPL            .          
#> poverty.status200-400% FPL           -0.014851029
#> poverty.status400%+ FPL              -0.229122884
#> veteranYes                            .          
#> insuranceMedicaid/Medicare            .          
#> insurancePrivately Insured           -0.092128877
#> insuranceOther                        .          
#> sex.orientationOther                  0.150490732
#> worried.moneyYes                      0.282333603
#> good.neighborhoodYes                 -0.104236603
#> psy.symptomYes                        1.132555465
#> visit.EDOne                           0.009230339
#> visit.ED2-3                           0.288663967
#> visit.ED4+                            0.673934923
#> surgeryOne                            .          
#> surgeryTwo                            .          
#> surgery3+                             .          
#> dr.visit6-12 months                  -0.018831608
#> dr.visit1-5 years                    -0.496368171
#> dr.visit>5 years/never               -0.415165313
#> cancerYes                             .          
#> asthmaYes                             0.240957776
#> htnYes                                0.125845727
#> liver.diseaseYes                      0.672282863
#> diabetesYes                           .          
#> ulcerYes                              0.352645788
#> strokeYes                             .          
#> emphysemaYes                          .          
#> copdYes                               0.054275559
#> high.cholesterolYes                   0.057735457
#> coronary.heart.diseaseYes             0.070550439
#> anginaYes                             .          
#> heart.attackYes                       0.234807175
#> heart.diseaseYes                      .          
#> arthritisYes                          1.043934915
#> crohns.diseaseYes                     0.086038829
#> place.routine.careDoctor's office     .          
#> place.routine.careHospital/Clinic     .          
#> place.routine.careOther place         .          
#> trouble.asleepYes                     0.177916442
#> obeseYes                              0.363088024
#> current.smokerYes                     0.339985811
#> heavy.drinkerYes                      .          
#> hospitalization1-2 days               .          
#> hospitalization3-5 days               0.073321609
#> hospitalization6+ days                1.066617646
#>               .          
#> physical.activityModerate            -0.699175264
#> physical.activityHigh                -0.642594150
#> 67 x 1 sparse Matrix of class "dgCMatrix"
#>                                               s0
#> sexMale                               .         
#> hhsize                                0.01585559
#> bornOther place                       .         
#> maritalMarried/with partner           .         
#> maritalDivorced/separated            -0.04982466
#> maritalWidowed                        0.03837620
#> regionMidwest                        -0.25040909
#> regionSouth                           .         
#> regionWest                            0.08288425
#> raceBlack                            -0.07020324
#> raceHispanic                          .         
#> raceOthers                            .         
#> educationHigh school/GED              .         
#> educationSome college                 .         
#> educationBachelors degree or higher   .         
#> employment.statusEmployed non-hourly  .         
#> employment.statusWorked previously    0.64497666
#> employment.statusNever worked         0.83560645
#> poverty.status100-200% FPL            .         
#> poverty.status200-400% FPL           -0.03113577
#> poverty.status400%+ FPL              -0.22313059
#> veteranYes                           -0.20269803
#> insuranceMedicaid/Medicare            .         
#> insurancePrivately Insured           -0.14170986
#> insuranceOther                        0.19604683
#> sex.orientationOther                  .         
#> worried.moneyYes                      0.31572735
#> good.neighborhoodYes                 -0.31850186
#> psy.symptomYes                        1.15194136
#> visit.EDOne                           0.05961452
#> visit.ED2-3                           0.34349175
#> visit.ED4+                            0.25637410
#> surgeryOne                            .         
#> surgeryTwo                            .         
#> surgery3+                             .         
#> dr.visit6-12 months                   .         
#> dr.visit1-5 years                    -0.32790023
#> dr.visit>5 years/never                .         
#> cancerYes                             0.21372688
#> asthmaYes                             0.21206722
#> htnYes                                0.13025900
#> liver.diseaseYes                      0.44892643
#> diabetesYes                           0.05119678
#> ulcerYes                              0.27325347
#> strokeYes                             .         
#> emphysemaYes                          .         
#> copdYes                               0.04954730
#> high.cholesterolYes                   0.14824572
#> coronary.heart.diseaseYes             .         
#> anginaYes                             .         
#> heart.attackYes                       0.27924438
#> heart.diseaseYes                      .         
#> arthritisYes                          1.00382986
#> crohns.diseaseYes                     .         
#> place.routine.careDoctor's office    -0.01943640
#> place.routine.careHospital/Clinic     .         
#> place.routine.careOther place         0.07273335
#> trouble.asleepYes                     0.14684831
#> obeseYes                              0.38029871
#> current.smokerYes                     0.14111139
#> heavy.drinkerYes                      .         
#> hospitalization1-2 days              -0.02310396
#> hospitalization3-5 days               .         
#> hospitalization6+ days                1.08731840
#>               .         
#> physical.activityModerate            -0.76639891
#> physical.activityHigh                -0.38546251
# AUCs from different folds
#> [1] 0.8396619 0.8129805 0.8465035 0.7896878 0.8342721

# Calibration slope from different folds
#> [1] 1.1287166 0.9985467 1.1224240 0.8934633 1.0131154

# Brier score from different folds
#> [1] 0.08524781 0.08476661 0.08666820 0.09071329 0.08911735

Now we will average out the model performance measures:

# Average AUC
#> [1] 0.8246212

# Average calibration slope
#> [1] 1.031253

# Average Brier score
#> [1] 0.08730265

Although the authors used multiple imputation, our AUC from the LASSO model with complete case data analysis is not that different. Note: the authors reported the AUC values in Table 2.

Random forest for surveys

Now, we will fit the random forest model for predicting binary HICP with the listed predictors. Here are the steps for fitting the model with 5-fold CV:

  • For fold 1, folds 2-5 is the training set and fold 1 is the test set
  • Fit random forest model on the training set to find the value of the hyperparameters (number of trees, number of predictors to split at in each node, and minimal node size to split at) that gives minimum prediction error. Incorporate sampling weights in the model to account for survey design.
  • Grid-search with out-of-sample error approach is widely used in the literature. In this approach, we create a data frame from all combinations of the hyperparameters and check which combination gives the lowest out-of-sample error.
  • Fit the random forest model on the training with the selected hyperparameters from the previous step. Incorporate sampling weights in the model to account for survey design.
  • Calculate predictive performance (e.g., AUC) on the test set
  • Repeat the analysis for all folds.


k <- 5
#> nfolds
#>    1    2    3    4    5 
#> 1451 1457 1496 1468 1408


#> HICP ~ sex + hhsize + born + marital + region + race + education + 
#>     employment.status + poverty.status + veteran + insurance + 
#>     sex.orientation + + good.neighborhood + psy.symptom + 
#>     visit.ED + surgery + dr.visit + cancer + asthma + htn + liver.disease + 
#>     diabetes + ulcer + stroke + emphysema + copd + high.cholesterol + 
#>     coronary.heart.disease + angina + heart.attack + heart.disease + 
#>     arthritis + crohns.disease + + trouble.asleep + 
#>     obese + current.smoker + heavy.drinker + hospitalization + 
#> + physical.activity

5-fold CV random forest

fit.rf <- list(NULL)
auc.rf <- NULL
cal.slope.rf <- brier.rf <- NULL
for (fold in 1:k) {
  # Training data
  dat.train <- dat.complete[nfolds != fold, ]
  # Test data
  dat.test <- dat.complete[nfolds == fold, ]
  # Tuning the hyperparameters 
  ## Grid with 1000 models - huge time consuming <- expand.grid(mtry = 1:10, node.size = 1:10, 
  #                          num.trees = seq(50,500,50), 
  #                           OOB_RMSE = 0)
  ## Grid with 36 models as an exercise <- expand.grid(
    mtry = 5:7, 
    node.size = 1:3, 
    num.trees = seq(200,500,100),
    OOB_RMSE = 0) 
  ## Model with grids 
  for(ii in 1:nrow( {
    # Model on training set with grid
    fit.rf.tune <- ranger(
      formula = Formula,
      data = dat.train, 
      num.trees =$num.trees[ii],
      mtry =$mtry[ii], 
      min.node.size =$node.size[ii],
      importance = 'impurity', 
      case.weights = dat.train$wgt)
    # Add Out-of-bag (OOB) error to grid$OOB_RMSE[ii] <- 
  # Position of the tuned hyperparameters
  position <- which.min($OOB_RMSE)
  # Fit the model on the training set with tuned hyperparameters
  fit.rf[[fold]] <- ranger(
    formula = Formula,
    data = dat.train, 
    case.weights = dat.train$wgt, 
    probability = T,
    num.trees =$num.trees[position],
    min.node.size =$node.size[position], 
    mtry =$mtry[position], 
    importance = 'impurity')
  # Prediction on the test set
  dat.test$pred.rf <- predict(
    data = dat.test)$predictions[,2]
  # AUC on the test set with sampling weights
  auc.rf[fold] <- WeightedAUC(
                weight = dat.test$wgt))
  # Weighted calibration slope
  dat.test$pred.rf[dat.test$pred.rf == 0] <- 0.00001 <- glm(HICP ~ Logit(dat.test$pred.rf), 
                 data = dat.test, 
                 family = binomial, 
                 weights = wgt)
  cal.slope.rf[fold] <- summary($coef[2,1]
  # Weighted Brier Score
  brier.rf[fold] <- mean(brierscore(
    HICP ~ dat.test$pred.rf, 
    data = dat.test,
    wt = dat.test$wgt))

Model performance

Let’s check how prediction worked.

# Fitted random forest models
#> Ranger result
#> Call:
#>  ranger(formula = Formula, data = dat.train, case.weights = dat.train$wgt,      probability = T, num.trees =$num.trees[position],      min.node.size =$node.size[position], mtry =$mtry[position],      importance = "impurity") 
#> Type:                             Probability estimation 
#> Number of trees:                  500 
#> Sample size:                      5829 
#> Number of independent variables:  42 
#> Mtry:                             5 
#> Target node size:                 3 
#> Variable importance mode:         impurity 
#> Splitrule:                        gini 
#> OOB prediction error (Brier s.):  0.0899798
#> Ranger result
#> Call:
#>  ranger(formula = Formula, data = dat.train, case.weights = dat.train$wgt,      probability = T, num.trees =$num.trees[position],      min.node.size =$node.size[position], mtry =$mtry[position],      importance = "impurity") 
#> Type:                             Probability estimation 
#> Number of trees:                  400 
#> Sample size:                      5823 
#> Number of independent variables:  42 
#> Mtry:                             5 
#> Target node size:                 2 
#> Variable importance mode:         impurity 
#> Splitrule:                        gini 
#> OOB prediction error (Brier s.):  0.0899217
#> Ranger result
#> Call:
#>  ranger(formula = Formula, data = dat.train, case.weights = dat.train$wgt,      probability = T, num.trees =$num.trees[position],      min.node.size =$node.size[position], mtry =$mtry[position],      importance = "impurity") 
#> Type:                             Probability estimation 
#> Number of trees:                  500 
#> Sample size:                      5784 
#> Number of independent variables:  42 
#> Mtry:                             5 
#> Target node size:                 3 
#> Variable importance mode:         impurity 
#> Splitrule:                        gini 
#> OOB prediction error (Brier s.):  0.08972587
#> Ranger result
#> Call:
#>  ranger(formula = Formula, data = dat.train, case.weights = dat.train$wgt,      probability = T, num.trees =$num.trees[position],      min.node.size =$node.size[position], mtry =$mtry[position],      importance = "impurity") 
#> Type:                             Probability estimation 
#> Number of trees:                  400 
#> Sample size:                      5812 
#> Number of independent variables:  42 
#> Mtry:                             5 
#> Target node size:                 3 
#> Variable importance mode:         impurity 
#> Splitrule:                        gini 
#> OOB prediction error (Brier s.):  0.08934626
#> Ranger result
#> Call:
#>  ranger(formula = Formula, data = dat.train, case.weights = dat.train$wgt,      probability = T, num.trees =$num.trees[position],      min.node.size =$node.size[position], mtry =$mtry[position],      importance = "impurity") 
#> Type:                             Probability estimation 
#> Number of trees:                  400 
#> Sample size:                      5872 
#> Number of independent variables:  42 
#> Mtry:                             5 
#> Target node size:                 3 
#> Variable importance mode:         impurity 
#> Splitrule:                        gini 
#> OOB prediction error (Brier s.):  0.08929408
# AUCs from different folds
#> [1] 0.8393204 0.7905715 0.8244523 0.7811141 0.8301950

# Calibration slope from different folds
#> [1] 1.2842866 0.9933553 1.1486583 0.9134864 1.2263184

# Brier score from different folds
#> [1] 0.08745016 0.08881079 0.08913696 0.09163393 0.08895764

Now we will average out the model performance measures:

# Average AUC
#> [1] 0.8131307

# Average calibration slope
#> [1] 1.113221

# Average Brier score
#> [1] 0.0891979

This AUC from random forest is approximately the same as obtained from the LASSO model.

Variable importance

One nice feature of random forest is that we can rank the variables and generate a variable importance plot.

# Fold 1
          name = "variable", 
          value = "importance"),
  aes(x = reorder(variable, importance), 
      y = importance, fill = importance)) +
  geom_bar(stat = "identity", 
           position = "dodge") +
  coord_flip() +
  ylab("Variable Importance") +
  xlab("") + 
  ggtitle("") +
  guides(fill = "none") +
  scale_fill_gradient(low = "grey", 
                      high = "grey10") + 

# Fold 5
          name = "variable", 
          value = "importance"),
  aes(x = reorder(variable, importance), 
      y = importance, fill = importance)) +
  geom_bar(stat = "identity", 
           position = "dodge") +
  coord_flip() +
  ylab("Variable Importance") +
  xlab("") + 
  ggtitle("") +
  guides(fill = "none") +
  scale_fill_gradient(low = "grey", 
                      high = "grey10") + 
