
Revisiting RHC Data


This tutorial uses the same data as some of the previous tutorials, including working with a predictive question, machine learning with a continuous outocome, and machine learning with a binary outcome.

ObsData <- readRDS(file = 
baselinevars <- names(dplyr::select(ObsData, 

Table 1

Only for some demographic and comorbidity variables; matches with Table 1 in Connors et al. (1996).

tab0 <- CreateTableOne(vars = c("age", "sex", "race", 
                                "Disease.category", "Cancer"),
                       data = ObsData, 
                       strata = "RHC.use", 
                       test = FALSE)
print(tab0, showAllLevels = FALSE)
#>                       Stratified by RHC.use
#>                        0            1           
#>   n                    3551         2184        
#>   age (%)                                       
#>      [-Inf,50)          884 (24.9)   540 (24.7) 
#>      [50,60)            546 (15.4)   371 (17.0) 
#>      [60,70)            812 (22.9)   577 (26.4) 
#>      [70,80)            809 (22.8)   529 (24.2) 
#>      [80, Inf)          500 (14.1)   167 ( 7.6) 
#>   sex = Female (%)     1637 (46.1)   906 (41.5) 
#>   race (%)                                      
#>      white             2753 (77.5)  1707 (78.2) 
#>      black              585 (16.5)   335 (15.3) 
#>      other              213 ( 6.0)   142 ( 6.5) 
#>   Disease.category (%)                          
#>      ARF               1581 (44.5)   909 (41.6) 
#>      CHF                247 ( 7.0)   209 ( 9.6) 
#>      Other              955 (26.9)   208 ( 9.5) 
#>      MOSF               768 (21.6)   858 (39.3) 
#>   Cancer (%)                                    
#>      None              2652 (74.7)  1727 (79.1) 
#>      Localized (Yes)    638 (18.0)   334 (15.3) 
#>      Metastatic         261 ( 7.4)   123 ( 5.6)


Connors, Alfred F, Theodore Speroff, Neal V Dawson, Charles Thomas, Frank E Harrell, Douglas Wagner, Norman Desbiens, et al. 1996. “The Effectiveness of Right Heart Catheterization in the Initial Care of Critically III Patients.” Jama 276 (11): 889–97.