| | Use |
publish | Publish | To publish regression models |
median | stats | To calculate the median of a numeric vector |
SL.mean | SuperLearner | SuperLearner wrapper for the mean learner |
SL.glm | SuperLearner | SuperLearner wrapper for the generalized linear model learner |
SL.glmnet | SuperLearner | SuperLearner wrapper for the generalized linear model with elastic net penalty learner |
SL.xgboost | SuperLearner | SuperLearner wrapper for the extreme gradient boosting learner |
SL.randomForest | SuperLearner | SuperLearner wrapper for the random forest learner |
SL.svm | SuperLearner | SuperLearner wrapper for the support vector machine (SVM) learner |
CreateTableOne | tableone | To create a summary table for a dataset |
tmle | tmle | To run Targeted Maximum Likelihood Estimation (TMLE) for causal inference |
tmle.SL.dbarts2 | tmle | SuperLearner wrapper for the Bayesian Additive Regression Trees (BART) learner |
R functions (C)
The list of new R functions introduced in this Machine learning in causal inference lab component are below: