R functions (C)

The list of new R functions introduced in this Machine learning in causal inference lab component are below:

Function.name Package.name Use
publish Publish To publish regression models
median stats To calculate the median of a numeric vector
SL.mean SuperLearner SuperLearner wrapper for the mean learner
SL.glm SuperLearner SuperLearner wrapper for the generalized linear model learner
SL.glmnet SuperLearner SuperLearner wrapper for the generalized linear model with elastic net penalty learner
SL.xgboost SuperLearner SuperLearner wrapper for the extreme gradient boosting learner
SL.randomForest SuperLearner SuperLearner wrapper for the random forest learner
SL.svm SuperLearner SuperLearner wrapper for the support vector machine (SVM) learner
CreateTableOne tableone To create a summary table for a dataset
tmle tmle To run Targeted Maximum Likelihood Estimation (TMLE) for causal inference
tmle.SL.dbarts2 tmle SuperLearner wrapper for the Bayesian Additive Regression Trees (BART) learner