R functions (P)

The list of new R functions introduced in this Predictive factors lab component are below:

Function_name Package_name Use
aggregate base/stats To see summary by groups, e.g., by gender
anova base/stats To compare models
auc pROC To compute the AUC (area under the ROC curve) value
BrierScore DescTools To calculate the Brier score
coef base/stats To see the coefficients of a fitted model
cor base/stats To see the correlation between numeric variables
corrplot corrplot To visualize a correlation matrix
createDataPartition caret To split a dataset into training and testing sets
createFolds caret To create k folds based on the outcome variable
crPlots car To see partial residual plot
describeBy psych To see summary by groups, e.g., by gender
glm base/stats To run generalized linear models
group_by dplyr To group by variables
hat base/stats To return a hat matrix
ifelse base To set an condition, e.g., creating a categorical variable from a numerical variable based on a condition
kable knitr To create a nice table
layout base/graphics To specify plot arrangement
lines base/graphics To draw a line graph
lm base/stats To fit a linear regression
lowess base/stats To smooth a scatter plot
model.matrix base/stats To construct a design/model matrix, e.g., a matrix with covariate values
ols_plot_resid_lev olsrr To visualize the residuals vs leverage plot
ols_vif_tol olsrr To calculate tolerance and variance inflation factor
predict base/stats `predict` is a generic function that is used for prediction, e.g., predicting probability of an event from a model
R2 caret To calculate the R-squared value
RMSE caret To calculate the RMSE value
roc pROC To build a ROC curve
sample base To take/draw random samples with or without replacement
save.image base To save an R object
spearman2 Hmisc To compute the square of Spearman's rank correlation
summarize dplyr To see summary
tapply base To apply a function over an array, e.g., to see the summary of a variable by gender
train caret To fit the model with tuning hyperparameters
trainControl caret To tune the hyperparameters, i.e., controlling the parameters to train the model
varclus Hmisc We use the `varclus` function to identify collinear predictors with cluster analysis
vif car To calculate variance inflation factor
which base To see which indices are TRUE