We must show enough justification to do a mediation analysis. A causal diagram would be the first step to conceptualize the mediation analysis problem hypothetically. Then, we can empirically verify where doing the mediation analysis makes sense in that particular context.
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Prepared the data
- Outcome (\(Y\)): Cardiovascular disease (CVD)
- Exposure (\(A\)): Osteoarthritis (OA)
- Mediator (\(M\)): Pain medication
- Adjustment covariates (\(C\))
- For total effect (TE): Is OA (\(A\)) associated with CVD (\(Y\))?
- For mediation analysis: Does pain-medication (\(M\)) play a mediating role in the causal pathway between OA (\(A\)) and CVD (\(Y\))? Here, we will decompose total effect (TE) to a natural direct effect (NDE) and a natural indirect effect (NIE).
Adjustment variables (\(C\)):
- Demographics
- age
- sex
- income
- race
- education status
- Important confounders
- physical activity
- smoking status
- fruit and vegetable consumption
- Relation with other diseases
- hypertension
- diabetes
Analysis/empirical exploration
Total effect
Outcome model (weighted) is
\(logit [P(Y_{a}=1 | C = c] = \theta_0 + \theta_1 a + \theta_3 c\)
Setting Design
#> Min. 1st Qu. Median Mean 3rd Qu. Max.
#> 0.39 21.76 42.21 66.70 81.07 2384.98
# Survey design
w.design0 <- svydesign(id=~1, weights=~weight, data=analytic.miss)
#> Min. 1st Qu. Median Mean 3rd Qu. Max.
#> 0.39 21.76 42.21 66.70 81.07 2384.98
#> [1] 80.34263
# Subset the design
w.design <- subset(w.design0, miss == 0)
#> Min. 1st Qu. Median Mean 3rd Qu. Max.
#> 2.053 28.480 53.218 82.472 102.860 1295.970
#> [1] 91.98946
# Model
TE <- svyglm(outcome ~ exposure + age + sex + income + race + bmi + edu + phyact +
smoke + fruit + diab, design = w.design, family = quasibinomial("logit"))
# painmed is mediator; not included here.
TE.save <- exp(c(summary(TE)$coef["exposure",1],
#> 2.5 % 97.5 %
#> 1.537005 1.230735 1.919489
Exposure to OA has a detrimental effect on CVD risk (significant!).
Effect on the mediators
fit.m = svyglm(mediator ~ exposure + age + sex + income + race + bmi + edu +
phyact + smoke + fruit + diab, design = w.design,
family = binomial("logit"))
#> Warning in eval(family$initialize): non-integer #successes in a binomial glm!
med.save <- exp(c(summary(fit.m)$coef["exposure",1], confint(fit.m)["exposure",]))
#> 2.5 % 97.5 %
#> 2.428463 2.059265 2.863853
Exposure to OA has a substantial effect on the mediator (Pain medication) as well (significant!). Hence, it would be interesting to explore a mediation analysis to assess the mediating role.
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