Causal question-2

Working with a causal question using NHANES

We are interested in exploring the relationship between diabetes (binary exposure variable defined as whether the doctor ever told the participant has diabetes) and cholesterol (binary outcome variable defined as whether total cholesterol is more than 200 mg/dL). Below is the PICOT:

PICOT element Description
P US adults
I Diabetes
C No diabetes
O Total cholesterol > 200 mg/dL
T 2017–2018

First, we will prepare the analytic dataset from NHANES 2017–2018.

Second, we will work with subset of data to assess the association between diabetes and cholesterol, and to get proper SE and 95% CI for the estimate. We emphasize the correct usage of the survey’s design features (correct handling of survey design elements, such as stratification, clustering, and weighting) to obtain accurate population-level estimates.

# Load required packages

Steps for creating analytic dataset

We will combine multiple components (e.g., demographic, blood pressure) using the unique identifier to create our analytic dataset.

Within NHANES datasets in a given cycle, each sampled person has an unique identifier sequence number (variable SEQN).

Download and Subsetting to retain only the useful variables

Search literature for the relevant variables, and then see if some of them are available in the NHANES data.

Peters, Fabian, and Levy (2014)

An an example, let us assume that variables listed in the following figures are known to be useful. Then we will try to indentify, in which NHANES component we have these variables.

Refer to the earlier chapter to get a more detailed understanding of how we search for variables within NHANES.

NHANES Data Components:

  • Demographic (variables like age, gender, income, etc.)
  • Blood Pressure (Diastolic and Systolic pressure)
  • Body Measures (BMI, Waist Circumference, etc.)
  • Smoking Status (Current smoker or not)
  • Cholesterol (Total cholesterol in different units)
  • Biochemistry Profile (Triglycerides, Uric acid, etc.)
  • Physical Activity (Vigorous work and recreational activities)
  • Diabetes (Whether the respondent has been told by a doctor that they have diabetes)

Demographic component:

demo <- nhanes('DEMO_J') # Both males and females 0 YEARS - 150 YEARS
demo <- demo[c("SEQN", # Respondent sequence number
                 "RIAGENDR", # gender
                 "RIDAGEYR", # Age in years at screening
                 "DMDBORN4", # Country of birth
                 "RIDRETH3", # Race/Hispanic origin w/ NH Asian
                 "DMDEDUC3", # Education level - Children/Youth 6-19
                 "DMDEDUC2", # Education level - Adults 20+
                 "DMDMARTL", # Marital status: 20 YEARS - 150 YEARS
                 "INDHHIN2", # Total household income
                 "WTMEC2YR", "SDMVPSU", "SDMVSTRA")]
demo_vars <- names(demo) # nhanesTableVars('DEMO', 'DEMO_J', namesonly=TRUE)
demo1 <- nhanesTranslate('DEMO_J', demo_vars, data=demo)
#> No translation table is available for SEQN

Blood pressure component:

bpx <- nhanes('BPX_J')
bpx <- bpx[c("SEQN", # Respondent sequence number
             "BPXDI1", #Diastolic: Blood pres (1st rdg) mm Hg
             "BPXSY1" # Systolic: Blood pres (1st rdg) mm Hg
bpx_vars <- names(bpx) 
bpx1 <- nhanesTranslate('BPX_J', bpx_vars, data=bpx)
#> No translation table is available for SEQN
#> Warning in nhanesTranslate("BPX_J", bpx_vars, data = bpx): No columns were
#> translated

Body measure component:

bmi <- nhanes('BMX_J')
bmi <- bmi[c("SEQN", # Respondent sequence number
               "BMXWT", # Weight (kg) 
               "BMXHT", # Standing Height (cm)
               "BMXBMI", # Body Mass Index (kg/m**2): 2 YEARS - 150 YEARS
               #"BMDBMIC", # BMI Category - Children/Youth # 2 YEARS - 19 YEARS
               "BMXWAIST" # Waist Circumference (cm): 2 YEARS - 150 YEARS
bmi_vars <- names(bmi) 
bmi1 <- nhanesTranslate('BMX_J', bmi_vars, data=bmi)
#> No translation table is available for SEQN
#> Warning in nhanesTranslate("BMX_J", bmi_vars, data = bmi): No columns were
#> translated

Smoking component:

smq <- nhanes('SMQ_J')
smq <- smq[c("SEQN", # Respondent sequence number
               "SMQ040" # Do you now smoke cigarettes?: 18 YEARS - 150 YEARS
smq_vars <- names(smq) 
smq1 <- nhanesTranslate('SMQ_J', smq_vars, data=smq)
#> No translation table is available for SEQN
#> Translated columns: SMQ040
# alq <- nhanes('ALQ_J')
# alq <- alq[c("SEQN", # Respondent sequence number
#                "ALQ130" # Avg # alcoholic drinks/day - past 12 mos
#                # 18 YEARS - 150 YEARS
#                )]
# alq_vars <- names(alq) 
# alq1 <- nhanesTranslate('ALQ_J', alq_vars, data=alq)

Cholesterol component:

chl <- nhanes('TCHOL_J') # 6 YEARS - 150 YEARS
chl <- chl[c("SEQN", # Respondent sequence number
               "LBXTC", # Total Cholesterol (mg/dL)
               "LBDTCSI" # Total Cholesterol (mmol/L)
chl_vars <- names(chl) 
chl1 <- nhanesTranslate('TCHOL_J', chl_vars, data=chl)
#> No translation table is available for SEQN
#> Warning in nhanesTranslate("TCHOL_J", chl_vars, data = chl): No columns were
#> translated

Biochemistry Profile component:

tri <- nhanes('BIOPRO_J') # 12 YEARS - 150 YEARS
tri <- tri[c("SEQN", # Respondent sequence number
               "LBXSTR", # Triglycerides, refrig serum (mg/dL)
               "LBXSUA", # Uric acid
               "LBXSTP", # total Protein (g/dL)
               "LBXSTB", # Total Bilirubin (mg/dL)
               "LBXSPH", # Phosphorus (mg/dL)
               "LBXSNASI", # Sodium (mmol/L)
               "LBXSKSI", # Potassium (mmol/L)
               "LBXSGB", # Globulin (g/dL)
               "LBXSCA" # Total Calcium (mg/dL)
tri_vars <- names(tri) 
tri1 <- nhanesTranslate('BIOPRO_J', tri_vars, data=tri)
#> No translation table is available for SEQN
#> Warning in nhanesTranslate("BIOPRO_J", tri_vars, data = tri): No columns were
#> translated

Physical activity component:

paq <- nhanes('PAQ_J')
paq <- paq[c("SEQN", # Respondent sequence number
               "PAQ605", # Vigorous work activity 
               "PAQ650" # Vigorous recreational activities
paq_vars <- names(paq) 
paq1 <- nhanesTranslate('PAQ_J', paq_vars, data=paq)
#> No translation table is available for SEQN
#> Translated columns: PAQ605 PAQ650

Diabetes component:

diq <- nhanes('DIQ_J')
diq <- diq[c("SEQN", # Respondent sequence number
               "DIQ010" # Doctor told you have diabetes
diq_vars <- names(diq) 
diq1 <- nhanesTranslate('DIQ_J', diq_vars, data=diq)
#> No translation table is available for SEQN
#> Translated columns: DIQ010

Merging all the datasets


We can use the merge or Reduce function to combine the datasets

analytic.data7 <- Reduce(function(x,y) merge(x,y,by="SEQN",all=TRUE) ,
#> [1] 9254   33

All these datasets are merged into one analytic dataset using the SEQN as the key. This can be done either all at once using the Reduce function or one by one (using merge once at a time).

# Merging one by one
# analytic.data0 <- merge(demo1, bpx1, by = c("SEQN"), all=TRUE)
# analytic.data1 <- merge(analytic.data0, bmi1, by = c("SEQN"), all=TRUE)
# analytic.data2 <- merge(analytic.data1, smq1, by = c("SEQN"), all=TRUE)
# analytic.data3 <- merge(analytic.data2, alq1, by = c("SEQN"), all=TRUE)
# analytic.data4 <- merge(analytic.data3, chl1, by = c("SEQN"), all=TRUE)
# analytic.data5 <- merge(analytic.data4, tri1, by = c("SEQN"), all=TRUE)
# analytic.data6 <- merge(analytic.data5, paq1, by = c("SEQN"), all=TRUE)
# analytic.data7 <- merge(analytic.data6, diq1, by = c("SEQN"), all=TRUE)
# dim(analytic.data7)

Check Target population and avoid zero-cell cross-tabulation

The dataset is then filtered to only include adults (20 years and older) and avoid zero-cell cross-tabulation.

See that marital status variable was restricted to 20 YEARS - 150 YEARS.

#> 'data.frame':    9254 obs. of  33 variables:
#>  $ SEQN    : num  93703 93704 93705 93706 93707 ...
#>  $ RIAGENDR: Factor w/ 2 levels "Male","Female": 2 1 2 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 ...
#>  $ RIDAGEYR: num  2 2 66 18 13 66 75 0 56 18 ...
#>  $ DMDBORN4: Factor w/ 4 levels "Born in 50 US states or Washingt",..: 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 2 ...
#>  $ RIDRETH3: Factor w/ 6 levels "Mexican American",..: 5 3 4 5 6 5 4 3 5 1 ...
#>  $ DMDEDUC3: Factor w/ 17 levels "Never attended / kindergarten on",..: NA NA NA 16 7 NA NA NA NA 13 ...
#>  $ DMDEDUC2: Factor w/ 7 levels "Less than 9th grade",..: NA NA 2 NA NA 1 4 NA 5 NA ...
#>  $ DMDMARTL: Factor w/ 7 levels "Married","Widowed",..: NA NA 3 NA NA 1 2 NA 1 NA ...
#>  $ INDHHIN2: Factor w/ 16 levels "$ 0 to $ 4,999",..: 14 14 3 NA 10 6 2 14 14 4 ...
#>  $ WTMEC2YR: num  8540 42567 8338 8723 7065 ...
#>  $ SDMVPSU : num  2 1 2 2 1 2 1 1 2 2 ...
#>  $ SDMVSTRA: num  145 143 145 134 138 138 136 134 134 147 ...
#>  $ BPXDI1  : num  NA NA NA 74 38 NA 66 NA 68 68 ...
#>  $ BPXSY1  : num  NA NA NA 112 128 NA 120 NA 108 112 ...
#>  $ BMXWT   : num  13.7 13.9 79.5 66.3 45.4 53.5 88.8 10.2 62.1 58.9 ...
#>  $ BMXHT   : num  88.6 94.2 158.3 175.7 158.4 ...
#>  $ BMXBMI  : num  17.5 15.7 31.7 21.5 18.1 23.7 38.9 NA 21.3 19.7 ...
#>  $ BMXWAIST: num  48.2 50 101.8 79.3 64.1 ...
#>  $ SMQ040  : Factor w/ 3 levels "Every day","Some days",..: NA NA 3 NA NA NA 1 NA NA 2 ...
#>  $ LBXTC   : num  NA NA 157 148 189 209 176 NA 238 182 ...
#>  $ LBDTCSI : num  NA NA 4.06 3.83 4.89 5.4 4.55 NA 6.15 4.71 ...
#>  $ LBXSTR  : num  NA NA 95 92 110 72 132 NA 59 124 ...
#>  $ LBXSUA  : num  NA NA 5.8 8 5.5 4.5 6.2 NA 4.2 5.8 ...
#>  $ LBXSTP  : num  NA NA 7.3 7.1 8 7.1 7 NA 7.1 8.1 ...
#>  $ LBXSTB  : num  NA NA 0.6 0.7 0.7 0.5 0.3 NA 0.3 0.8 ...
#>  $ LBXSPH  : num  NA NA 4 4 4.3 3.3 3.5 NA 3.4 5.1 ...
#>  $ LBXSNASI: num  NA NA 141 144 137 144 141 NA 140 141 ...
#>  $ LBXSKSI : num  NA NA 4 4.4 3.3 4.4 4.1 NA 4.9 4.3 ...
#>  $ LBXSGB  : num  NA NA 2.9 2.7 2.8 3.2 3.3 NA 3.1 3.3 ...
#>  $ LBXSCA  : num  NA NA 9.2 9.6 10.1 9.5 9.9 NA 9.4 9.6 ...
#>  $ PAQ605  : Factor w/ 3 levels "Yes","No","Don't know": NA NA 2 2 NA 2 2 NA 2 1 ...
#>  $ PAQ650  : Factor w/ 2 levels "Yes","No": NA NA 2 2 NA 2 2 NA 1 1 ...
#>  $ DIQ010  : Factor w/ 4 levels "Yes","No","Borderline",..: 2 2 2 2 2 3 2 NA 2 2 ...
#>    Min. 1st Qu.  Median    Mean 3rd Qu.    Max. 
#>    0.00   11.00   31.00   34.33   58.00   80.00
#> [1] 9254   33
analytic.data8 <- analytic.data7
analytic.data8$RIDAGEYR[analytic.data8$RIDAGEYR < 20] <- NA
#analytic.data8 <- subset(analytic.data7, RIDAGEYR >= 20)
#> [1] 9254   33

Get rid of variables where target was less than 20 years of age accordingly.

analytic.data8$DMDEDUC3 <- NULL # not relevant for adults
#analytic.data8$BMDBMIC <- NULL # not relevant for adults

Get rid of invalid responses

Variables that have “Don’t Know” or “Refused” as responses are set to NA, effectively getting rid of invalid responses.

factor.names <- c("RIAGENDR","DMDBORN4","RIDRETH3",
                  "SMQ040", "PAQ605", "PAQ650", "DIQ010")
numeric.names <- c("SEQN","RIDAGEYR","WTMEC2YR",
                   "SDMVPSU", "SDMVSTRA",
                   "BPXDI1", "BPXSY1", "BMXWT", "BMXHT",
                   "BMXBMI", "BMXWAIST",
                   "ALQ130", "LBXTC", "LBDTCSI", 
                   "LBXSTR", "LBXSUA", "LBXSTP", "LBXSTB", 
                   "LBXSPH", "LBXSNASI", "LBXSKSI",
analytic.data8[factor.names] <- apply(X = analytic.data8[factor.names], 
                                      MARGIN = 2, FUN = as.factor)
# analytic.data8[numeric.names] <- apply(X = analytic.data8[numeric.names], 
#                                        MARGIN = 2, FUN = 
#                                          function (x) as.numeric(as.character(x)))
analytic.data9 <- analytic.data8
analytic.data9$DMDBORN4[analytic.data9$DMDBORN4 == "Don't Know"] <- NA
#analytic.data9 <- subset(analytic.data8, DMDBORN4 != "Don't Know")
#> [1] 9254   32

analytic.data10 <- analytic.data9
analytic.data10$DMDEDUC2[analytic.data10$DMDEDUC2 == "Don't Know"] <- NA
#analytic.data10 <- subset(analytic.data9, DMDEDUC2 != "Don't Know")
#> [1] 9254   32

analytic.data11 <- analytic.data10
analytic.data11$DMDMARTL[analytic.data11$DMDMARTL == "Don't Know"] <- NA
analytic.data11$DMDMARTL[analytic.data11$DMDMARTL == "Refused"] <- NA
# analytic.data11 <- subset(analytic.data10, DMDMARTL != "Don't Know" & DMDMARTL != "Refused")
#> [1] 9254   32

analytic.data12 <- analytic.data11
analytic.data12$INDHHIN2[analytic.data12$INDHHIN2 == "Don't Know"] <- NA
analytic.data12$INDHHIN2[analytic.data12$INDHHIN2 == "Refused"] <- NA
analytic.data12$INDHHIN2[analytic.data12$INDHHIN2 == "Under $20,000"] <- NA
analytic.data12$INDHHIN2[analytic.data12$INDHHIN2 == "$20,000 and Over"] <- NA
# analytic.data12 <- subset(analytic.data11, INDHHIN2 != "Don't know" & INDHHIN2 !=  "Refused" & INDHHIN2 != "Under $20,000" & INDHHIN2 != "$20,000 and Over" )
#> [1] 9254   32

#analytic.data11 <- subset(analytic.data10, ALQ130 != 777 & ALQ130 != 999 )
#dim(analytic.data11) # this are listed as NA anyway

analytic.data13 <- analytic.data12
analytic.data13$PAQ605[analytic.data13$PAQ605 == "Don't know"] <- NA
analytic.data13$PAQ605[analytic.data13$PAQ605 == "Refused"] <- NA
# analytic.data13 <- subset(analytic.data12, PAQ605 != "Don't know" & PAQ605 != "Refused")
#> [1] 9254   32

analytic.data14 <- analytic.data13
analytic.data14$PAQ650[analytic.data14$PAQ650 == "Don't know"] <- NA
analytic.data14$PAQ650[analytic.data14$PAQ650 == "Refused"] <- NA
# analytic.data14 <- subset(analytic.data13, PAQ650 != "Don't Know" & PAQ650 != "Refused")
#> [1] 9254   32

analytic.data15 <- analytic.data14
analytic.data15$DIQ010[analytic.data15$DIQ010 == "Don't know"] <- NA
analytic.data15$DIQ010[analytic.data15$DIQ010 == "Refused"] <- NA
# analytic.data15 <- subset(analytic.data14, DIQ010 != "Don't Know" & DIQ010 != "Refused")
#> [1] 9254   32

# analytic.data15$ALQ130[analytic.data15$ALQ130 > 100] <- NA
# summary(analytic.data15$ALQ130)
table(analytic.data15$SMQ040,useNA = "always")
#>  Every day Not at all  Some days       <NA> 
#>        805       1338        216       6895
table(analytic.data15$PAQ605,useNA = "always")
#>   No  Yes <NA> 
#> 4461 1389 3404
table(analytic.data15$PAQ650,useNA = "always")
#>   No  Yes <NA> 
#> 4422 1434 3398
table(analytic.data15$PAQ650,useNA = "always")
#>   No  Yes <NA> 
#> 4422 1434 3398

Recode values

Let us recode the variables using the recode function:

analytic.data15$RIDRETH3 <- recode(analytic.data15$RIDRETH3, 
                            "c('Mexican American','Other Hispanic')='Hispanic'; 
                            'Non-Hispanic White'='White'; 
                            'Non-Hispanic Black'='Black';
                            c('Non-Hispanic Asian',
                               'Other Race - Including Multi-Rac')='Other';
analytic.data15$DMDEDUC2 <- recode(analytic.data15$DMDEDUC2, 
                            "c('Some college or AA degree',
                             'College graduate or above')='College'; 
                            c('9-11th grade (Includes 12th grad', 
                              'High school graduate/GED or equi')
                            'Less than 9th grade'='School';
analytic.data15$DMDMARTL <- recode(analytic.data15$DMDMARTL, 
                            c('Living with partner', 'Married')
                            'Never married'='Never.married';
analytic.data15$INDHHIN2 <- recode(analytic.data15$INDHHIN2, 
                            "c('$ 0 to $ 4,999', '$ 5,000 to $ 9,999', 
                                 '$10,000 to $14,999', '$15,000 to $19,999', 
                                 '$20,000 to $24,999')='<25k';
                            c('$25,000 to $34,999', '$35,000 to $44,999', 
                                 '$45,000 to $54,999') = 'Between.25kto54k';
                            c('$55,000 to $64,999', '$65,000 to $74,999',
                                 '$75,000 to $99,999')='Between.55kto99k';
                            '$100,000 and Over'= 'Over100k';
analytic.data15$SMQ040 <- recode(analytic.data15$SMQ040, 
                            "'Every day'='';
                            'Not at all'='';
                            'Some days'='Some.days';
analytic.data15$DIQ010 <- recode(analytic.data15$DIQ010, 
                            c('Yes', 'Borderline')='Yes';

Data types for various variables are set correctly; for instance, factor variables are converted to factor data types, and numeric variables to numeric data types.

Check missingness


We can use the plot_missing function to plot the profile of missing values, e.g., the percentage of missing per variable


A subsequent chapter will delve into the additional factors that impact how we handle missing data.

Check data summaries

#> [13] "BPXSY1"   "BMXWT"    "BMXHT"    "BMXBMI"   "BMXWAIST" "SMQ040"  
#> [19] "LBXTC"    "LBDTCSI"  "LBXSTR"   "LBXSUA"   "LBXSTP"   "LBXSTB"  
#> [25] "LBXSPH"   "LBXSNASI" "LBXSKSI"  "LBXSGB"   "LBXSCA"   "PAQ605"  
#> [31] "PAQ650"   "DIQ010"
names(analytic.data15) <- c("ID", "gender", "age", "born", "race", "education", 
"married", "income", "weight", "psu", "strata", "diastolicBP", 
"systolicBP", "bodyweight", "bodyheight", "bmi", "waist", "smoke", 
"cholesterol", "cholesterolM2", "triglycerides", 
"uric.acid", "protein", "bilirubin", "phosphorus", "sodium", 
"potassium", "globulin", "calcium", "", 
CreateTableOne(data = analytic.data15, includeNA = TRUE)
#>                                       Overall            
#>   n                                       9254           
#>   ID (mean (SD))                      98329.50 (2671.54) 
#>   gender = Male (%)                       4557 (49.2)    
#>   age (mean (SD))                        51.50 (17.81)   
#>   born (%)                                               
#>      Born in 50 US states or Washingt     7303 (78.9)    
#>      Others                               1948 (21.1)    
#>      Refused                                 2 ( 0.0)    
#>      NA                                      1 ( 0.0)    
#>   race (%)                                               
#>      Black                                2115 (22.9)    
#>      Hispanic                             2187 (23.6)    
#>      Other                                1802 (19.5)    
#>      White                                3150 (34.0)    
#>   education (%)                                          
#>      College                              3114 (33.7)    
#>      High.School                          1963 (21.2)    
#>      School                                479 ( 5.2)    
#>      NA                                   3698 (40.0)    
#>   married (%)                                            
#>      Married                              3252 (35.1)    
#>      Never.married                        1006 (10.9)    
#>      Previously.married                   1305 (14.1)    
#>      NA                                   3691 (39.9)    
#>   income (%)                                             
#>      <25k                                 1998 (21.6)    
#>      Between.25kto54k                     2460 (26.6)    
#>      Between.55kto99k                     1843 (19.9)    
#>      Over100k                             1624 (17.5)    
#>      NA                                   1329 (14.4)    
#>   weight (mean (SD))                  34670.71 (43344.00)
#>   psu (mean (SD))                         1.52 (0.50)    
#>   strata (mean (SD))                    140.97 (4.20)    
#>   diastolicBP (mean (SD))                67.84 (16.36)   
#>   systolicBP (mean (SD))                121.33 (19.98)   
#>   bodyweight (mean (SD))                 65.14 (32.89)   
#>   bodyheight (mean (SD))                156.59 (22.26)   
#>   bmi (mean (SD))                        26.58 (8.26)    
#>   waist (mean (SD))                      89.93 (22.81)   
#>   smoke (%)                                              
#>                             805 ( 8.7)    
#>                           1338 (14.5)    
#>      Some.days                             216 ( 2.3)    
#>      NA                                   6895 (74.5)    
#>   cholesterol (mean (SD))               179.89 (40.60)   
#>   cholesterolM2 (mean (SD))               4.65 (1.05)    
#>   triglycerides (mean (SD))             137.44 (109.13)  
#>   uric.acid (mean (SD))                   5.40 (1.48)    
#>   protein (mean (SD))                     7.17 (0.44)    
#>   bilirubin (mean (SD))                   0.46 (0.28)    
#>   phosphorus (mean (SD))                  3.66 (0.59)    
#>   sodium (mean (SD))                    140.32 (2.75)    
#>   potassium (mean (SD))                   4.09 (0.36)    
#>   globulin (mean (SD))                    3.09 (0.43)    
#>   calcium (mean (SD))                     9.32 (0.37)    
#> (%)                                      
#>      No                                   4461 (48.2)    
#>      Yes                                  1389 (15.0)    
#>      NA                                   3404 (36.8)    
#>   physical.recreational (%)                              
#>      No                                   4422 (47.8)    
#>      Yes                                  1434 (15.5)    
#>      NA                                   3398 (36.7)    
#>   diabetes (%)                                           
#>      No                                   7816 (84.5)    
#>      Yes                                  1077 (11.6)    
#>      NA                                    361 ( 3.9)

Create complete case data (for now)

analytic.with.miss <- analytic.data15
analytic.with.miss$cholesterol.bin <- ifelse(analytic.with.miss$cholesterol <200, 1,0)
analytic <-
#> [1] 1562   33

Creating Table 1 from the complete case data

CreateTableOne(data = analytic, includeNA = TRUE)
#>                                   Overall            
#>   n                                   1562           
#>   ID (mean (SD))                  98344.21 (2697.76) 
#>   gender = Male (%)                    959 (61.4)    
#>   age (mean (SD))                    53.18 (17.18)   
#>   born = Others (%)                    299 (19.1)    
#>   race (%)                                           
#>      Black                             324 (20.7)    
#>      Hispanic                          284 (18.2)    
#>      Other                             228 (14.6)    
#>      White                             726 (46.5)    
#>   education (%)                                      
#>      College                           806 (51.6)    
#>      High.School                       658 (42.1)    
#>      School                             98 ( 6.3)    
#>   married (%)                                        
#>      Married                           921 (59.0)    
#>      Never.married                     228 (14.6)    
#>      Previously.married                413 (26.4)    
#>   income (%)                                         
#>      <25k                              484 (31.0)    
#>      Between.25kto54k                  520 (33.3)    
#>      Between.55kto99k                  331 (21.2)    
#>      Over100k                          227 (14.5)    
#>   weight (mean (SD))              48538.53 (54106.24)
#>   psu (mean (SD))                     1.48 (0.50)    
#>   strata (mean (SD))                141.18 (4.07)    
#>   diastolicBP (mean (SD))            72.06 (14.17)   
#>   systolicBP (mean (SD))            127.06 (19.11)   
#>   bodyweight (mean (SD))             85.66 (22.41)   
#>   bodyheight (mean (SD))            168.96 (9.30)    
#>   bmi (mean (SD))                    29.96 (7.33)    
#>   waist (mean (SD))                 102.98 (17.15)   
#>   smoke (%)                                          
#>                         530 (33.9)    
#>                        903 (57.8)    
#>      Some.days                         129 ( 8.3)    
#>   cholesterol (mean (SD))           188.77 (43.51)   
#>   cholesterolM2 (mean (SD))           4.88 (1.13)    
#>   triglycerides (mean (SD))         154.71 (123.00)  
#>   uric.acid (mean (SD))               5.62 (1.53)    
#>   protein (mean (SD))                 7.09 (0.43)    
#>   bilirubin (mean (SD))               0.46 (0.27)    
#>   phosphorus (mean (SD))              3.53 (0.54)    
#>   sodium (mean (SD))                140.14 (2.83)    
#>   potassium (mean (SD))               4.10 (0.38)    
#>   globulin (mean (SD))                3.03 (0.44)    
#>   calcium (mean (SD))                 9.29 (0.37)    
#> = Yes (%)              476 (30.5)    
#>   physical.recreational = Yes (%)      290 (18.6)    
#>   diabetes = Yes (%)                   330 (21.1)    
#>   cholesterol.bin (mean (SD))         0.63 (0.48)

Additional factors come into play when dealing with complex survey datasets; these will be explored in a subsequent chapter.

Saving data

# getwd()
save(analytic.with.miss, analytic, file="Data/researchquestion/NHANES17.RData")


Peters, Junenette L, M Patricia Fabian, and Jonathan I Levy. 2014. “Combined Impact of Lead, Cadmium, Polychlorinated Biphenyls and Non-Chemical Risk Factors on Blood Pressure in NHANES.” Environmental Research 132: 93–99.