6  Step 3: Recurrence

6.1 Genrate recurrence covariates

In this step, we generate 3 binary recurrence covariates for each of the candidate empirical covariates identified in the previous step:

  • occurred at least once
  • occurred sporadically (at least more than the median)
  • occurred frequently (at least more than the 75th percentile)
step2 <- get_recurrence_covariates(df = out1, 
                                   patientIdVarname = "idx",
                                   eventCodeVarname = "icd10", 
                                   patientIdVector = patientIds)

6.2 Example of recurrence covariates

ICD-10-CM code (dimension 1) code appeared at least once code appeared at least more than the median code appeared at least more than the 75th percentile
D64.9 Anemia rec_dx_D64_once rec_dx_D64_sporadic rec_dx_D64_frequent
D75.9P Blood clots rec_dx_D75_once rec_dx_D75_sporadic rec_dx_D75_frequent
D89.9 Immune disorder rec_dx_D89_once rec_dx_D89_sporadic rec_dx_D89_frequent
\(\ldots\) \(\ldots\) \(\ldots\) \(\ldots\)
E07.9 Disorder of thyroid rec_dx_E07_once rec_dx_E07_sporadic rec_dx_E07_frequent

Example of 3 binary covariates created based on the candidate empirical covariate

6.3 Recurrence covariates in the data

Here we show binary recurrence covariates for only 2 columns

6.4 Refined recurrence covariates

Below you can click to see a list of all recurrence covariates obtained in our data.

  • Given that we had one dimension of proxy data, \(p=1\), at most \(n=200\) most prevalent codes (with the restriction that minimum number of patients in each code = 20), and \(3\) intensity, we could theoretically have at most \(p \times n \times 3 = 1 \times 200 \times \ 3 = 600\) recurrence covariates.
  • Based on all of the restrictions, we created 143 distinct recurrence covariates.
  • The merged data (analytic and proxies) size is now 7,585.

If 2 or all 3 recurrence covariates are identical, only one distinct recurrence covariate is returned. This is why you do not see any sporadic recurrence covariate here.