Chapter 4 IPTW

In this chapter, we will cover PS and IPTW (or IPW).

We are now primarily interested about exposure modelling (e.g., fixing imbalance first, before doing outcome analysis).

# Read the data saved at the last chapter
ObsData <- readRDS(file = "data/rhcAnalytic.RDS")
baselinevars <- names(dplyr::select(ObsData, !c(A,Y)))

4.1 IPTW steps

Modelling Steps:

According to Austin (2011), we need to follow 4 steps:

Step 1 exposure modelling: \(PS = Prob(A=1|L)\)
Step 2 Convert \(PS\) to \(IPW\) = \(\frac{A}{PS} + \frac{1-A}{1-PS}\)
Step 3 Assess balance in weighted sample (\(PS\) and \(L\))
Step 4 outcome modelling: \(E(Y|A=1)\) to obtain treatment effect estimate

4.2 Step 1: exposure modelling

Exposure modelling: \(PS = Prob(A=1|L)\)

ps.formula <- as.formula(paste("A ~",
                                     collapse = "+")))
## A ~ Disease.category + Cancer + Cardiovascular + Congestive.HF + 
##     Dementia + Psychiatric + Pulmonary + Renal + Hepatic + GI.Bleed + 
##     Tumor + Immunosupperssion + Transfer.hx + MI + age + sex + 
##     edu + DASIndex + APACHE.score + Glasgow.Coma.Score + blood.pressure + 
##     WBC + Heart.rate + Respiratory.rate + Temperature + PaO2vs.FIO2 + 
##     Albumin + Hematocrit + Bilirubin + Creatinine + Sodium + 
##     Potassium + PaCo2 + PH + Weight + DNR.status + + 
##     Respiratory.Diag + Cardiovascular.Diag + Neurological.Diag + 
##     Gastrointestinal.Diag + Renal.Diag + Metabolic.Diag + Hematologic.Diag + 
##     Sepsis.Diag + Trauma.Diag + Orthopedic.Diag + race + income
  • Other than main effect terms, what other model specifications are possible?
    • Common terms to add (indeed based on biological plausibility; requiring subject area knowledge)
    • Interactions
    • polynomials or splines
    • transformations

Fit logistic regression to estimate propensity scores <- glm(ps.formula,family="binomial", data=ObsData)
publish(,  format = "[u;l]")
##               Variable               Units OddsRatio        CI.95     p-value 
##       Disease.category                 ARF       Ref                          
##                                        CHF      1.79  [1.32;2.43]   0.0002047 
##                                      Other      0.54  [0.43;0.68]     < 1e-04 
##                                       MOSF      1.58  [1.34;1.87]     < 1e-04 
##                 Cancer                None       Ref                          
##                            Localized (Yes)      0.46  [0.22;0.96]   0.0389310 
##                                 Metastatic      0.37  [0.17;0.81]   0.0131229 
##         Cardiovascular                   0       Ref                          
##                                          1      1.04  [0.86;1.25]   0.7036980 
##          Congestive.HF                   0       Ref                          
##                                          1      1.10  [0.90;1.35]   0.3461245 
##               Dementia                   0       Ref                          
##                                          1      0.67  [0.53;0.85]   0.0011382 
##            Psychiatric                   0       Ref                          
##                                          1      0.65  [0.50;0.85]   0.0018616 
##              Pulmonary                   0       Ref                          
##                                          1      0.97  [0.81;1.18]   0.7814947 
##                  Renal                   0       Ref                          
##                                          1      0.70  [0.49;1.00]   0.0523978 
##                Hepatic                   0       Ref                          
##                                          1      0.79  [0.57;1.11]   0.1817681 
##               GI.Bleed                   0       Ref                          
##                                          1      0.76  [0.49;1.17]   0.2148665 
##                  Tumor                   0       Ref                          
##                                          1      1.48  [0.71;3.12]   0.2987694 
##      Immunosupperssion                   0       Ref                          
##                                          1      1.00  [0.86;1.15]   0.9778387 
##            Transfer.hx                   0       Ref                          
##                                          1      1.46  [1.20;1.77]   0.0001356 
##                     MI                   0       Ref                          
##                                          1      1.12  [0.80;1.59]   0.5031463 
##                    age           [-Inf,50)       Ref                          
##                                    [50,60)      1.04  [0.85;1.27]   0.7327200 
##                                    [60,70)      1.22  [1.00;1.49]   0.0559205 
##                                    [70,80)      1.15  [0.91;1.45]   0.2414163 
##                                  [80, Inf)      0.66  [0.49;0.89]   0.0054612 
##                    sex                Male       Ref                          
##                                     Female      0.98  [0.86;1.12]   0.7661356 
##                    edu                          1.03  [1.01;1.05]   0.0101741 
##               DASIndex                          1.00  [0.98;1.01]   0.6635060 
##           APACHE.score                          1.01  [1.01;1.02]     < 1e-04 
##     Glasgow.Coma.Score                          1.00  [1.00;1.00]   0.2853053 
##         blood.pressure                          0.99  [0.99;0.99]     < 1e-04 
##                    WBC                          1.00  [0.99;1.00]   0.7368619 
##             Heart.rate                          1.00  [1.00;1.01]     < 1e-04 
##       Respiratory.rate                          0.98  [0.97;0.98]     < 1e-04 
##            Temperature                          0.97  [0.93;1.01]   0.1255016 
##            PaO2vs.FIO2                          0.99  [0.99;1.00]     < 1e-04 
##                Albumin                          0.93  [0.85;1.02]   0.1032557 
##             Hematocrit                          0.99  [0.98;1.00]   0.0103236 
##              Bilirubin                          1.01  [1.00;1.02]   0.1719966 
##             Creatinine                          1.04  [1.00;1.09]   0.0576310 
##                 Sodium                          0.99  [0.98;1.00]   0.0049192 
##              Potassium                          0.85  [0.79;0.91]     < 1e-04 
##                  PaCo2                          0.98  [0.97;0.98]     < 1e-04 
##                     PH                          0.22  [0.11;0.47]     < 1e-04 
##                 Weight                          1.01  [1.00;1.01]     < 1e-04 
##             DNR.status                  No       Ref                          
##                                        Yes      0.58  [0.46;0.73]     < 1e-04 
##            Medicaid       Ref                          
##                                   Medicare      1.34  [1.03;1.74]   0.0315228 
##                        Medicare & Medicaid      1.49  [1.07;2.07]   0.0184712 
##                               No insurance      1.66  [1.20;2.30]   0.0023684 
##                                    Private      1.55  [1.21;1.97]   0.0004402 
##                         Private & Medicare      1.46  [1.11;1.92]   0.0071028 
##       Respiratory.Diag                  No       Ref                          
##                                        Yes      0.76  [0.65;0.90]   0.0010144 
##    Cardiovascular.Diag                  No       Ref                          
##                                        Yes      1.80  [1.52;2.13]     < 1e-04 
##      Neurological.Diag                  No       Ref                          
##                                        Yes      0.62  [0.47;0.80]   0.0002731 
##  Gastrointestinal.Diag                  No       Ref                          
##                                        Yes      1.41  [1.15;1.73]   0.0010690 
##             Renal.Diag                  No       Ref                          
##                                        Yes      1.35  [1.01;1.80]   0.0461405 
##         Metabolic.Diag                  No       Ref                          
##                                        Yes      0.85  [0.63;1.15]   0.2953120 
##       Hematologic.Diag                  No       Ref                          
##                                        Yes      0.59  [0.45;0.78]   0.0002225 
##            Sepsis.Diag                  No       Ref                          
##                                        Yes      1.31  [1.10;1.57]   0.0029968 
##            Trauma.Diag                  No       Ref                          
##                                        Yes      3.45  [1.80;6.64]   0.0002014 
##        Orthopedic.Diag                  No       Ref                          
##                                        Yes      3.74 [0.53;26.25]   0.1843027 
##                   race               white       Ref                          
##                                      black      1.05  [0.87;1.26]   0.6250189 
##                                      other      1.09  [0.84;1.41]   0.5272282 
##                 income            $11-$25k       Ref                          
##                                   $25-$50k      1.08  [0.87;1.34]   0.4644703 
##                                     > $50k      1.02  [0.78;1.34]   0.8810245 
##                                 Under $11k      1.06  [0.90;1.26]   0.4797051

Coef of PS model fit is not of concern.

  • Model can be rich: to the extent that prediction is better
  • But look for multi-collinearity issues
    • SE too high?

Obtain the propesnity score (PS) values from the fit

ObsData$PS <- predict(, type="response")

These propensity score predictions (PS) are often represented as \(g(A_i=1|L_i)\).

Check summaries:

  • enough overlap?
  • PS values very close to 0 or 1?
##     Min.  1st Qu.   Median     Mean  3rd Qu.     Max. 
## 0.002478 0.161446 0.358300 0.380819 0.574319 0.968425
tapply(ObsData$PS, ObsData$A, summary)
## $`0`
##     Min.  1st Qu.   Median     Mean  3rd Qu.     Max. 
## 0.002478 0.106718 0.241301 0.283816 0.427138 0.951927 
## $`1`
##    Min. 1st Qu.  Median    Mean 3rd Qu.    Max. 
## 0.01575 0.37205 0.55243 0.53854 0.70999 0.96842
     col = "red", main = "")
      col = "blue", lty = 2)
legend("topright", c("No RHC","RHC"), 
       col = c("red", "blue"), lty=1:2)

4.3 Step 2: Convert PS to IPW

Convert \(PS\) to \(IPW\) = \(\frac{A}{PS} + \frac{1-A}{1-PS}\)

  • Convert PS to IPW using the formula. We are using the formula for average treatment effect (ATE).

It is possible to use alternative formulas, but we are using ATE formula for our illustration.

ObsData$IPW <- ObsData$A/ObsData$PS + (1-ObsData$A)/(1-ObsData$PS)
##    Min. 1st Qu.  Median    Mean 3rd Qu.    Max. 
##   1.002   1.183   1.472   1.986   2.064  63.509

Also possible to use pre-packaged software packages to do the same:

W.out <- weightit(ps.formula, 
                    data = ObsData, 
                    estimand = "ATE",
                    method = "ps")
##    Min. 1st Qu.  Median    Mean 3rd Qu.    Max. 
##   1.002   1.183   1.472   1.986   2.064  63.509

4.4 Step 3: Balance checking

Assess balance in weighted sample (\(PS\) and \(L\))

We can check balance numerically.

  • We set SMD = 0.1 as threshold for balance.
  • \(SMD \gt 0.1\) means we do not have balance
require(cobalt), un = TRUE, 
        thresholds = c(m = .1))
## Call
##  weightit(formula = ps.formula, data = ObsData, method = "ps", 
##     estimand = "ATE")
## Balance Measures
##                                           Type Diff.Un Diff.Adj    M.Threshold
## prop.score                            Distance  1.1926   0.0224 Balanced, <0.1
## Disease.category_ARF                    Binary -0.0290   0.0025 Balanced, <0.1
## Disease.category_CHF                    Binary  0.0261   0.0008 Balanced, <0.1
## Disease.category_Other                  Binary -0.1737  -0.0080 Balanced, <0.1
## Disease.category_MOSF                   Binary  0.1766   0.0047 Balanced, <0.1
## Cancer_None                             Binary  0.0439   0.0017 Balanced, <0.1
## Cancer_Localized (Yes)                  Binary -0.0267   0.0017 Balanced, <0.1
## Cancer_Metastatic                       Binary -0.0172  -0.0034 Balanced, <0.1
## Cardiovascular                          Binary  0.0445   0.0051 Balanced, <0.1
## Congestive.HF                           Binary  0.0268   0.0013 Balanced, <0.1
## Dementia                                Binary -0.0472  -0.0138 Balanced, <0.1
## Psychiatric                             Binary -0.0348  -0.0050 Balanced, <0.1
## Pulmonary                               Binary -0.0737  -0.0058 Balanced, <0.1
## Renal                                   Binary  0.0066   0.0027 Balanced, <0.1
## Hepatic                                 Binary -0.0124  -0.0012 Balanced, <0.1
## GI.Bleed                                Binary -0.0122  -0.0026 Balanced, <0.1
## Tumor                                   Binary -0.0423  -0.0016 Balanced, <0.1
## Immunosupperssion                       Binary  0.0358  -0.0027 Balanced, <0.1
## Transfer.hx                             Binary  0.0554   0.0047 Balanced, <0.1
## MI                                      Binary  0.0139   0.0005 Balanced, <0.1
## age_[-Inf,50)                           Binary -0.0017  -0.0098 Balanced, <0.1
## age_[50,60)                             Binary  0.0161   0.0149 Balanced, <0.1
## age_[60,70)                             Binary  0.0355  -0.0108 Balanced, <0.1
## age_[70,80)                             Binary  0.0144   0.0047 Balanced, <0.1
## age_[80, Inf)                           Binary -0.0643   0.0010 Balanced, <0.1
## sex_Female                              Binary -0.0462  -0.0143 Balanced, <0.1
## edu                                    Contin.  0.0914  -0.0000 Balanced, <0.1
## DASIndex                               Contin.  0.0626   0.0435 Balanced, <0.1
## APACHE.score                           Contin.  0.5014   0.0109 Balanced, <0.1
## Glasgow.Coma.Score                     Contin. -0.1098   0.0034 Balanced, <0.1
## blood.pressure                         Contin. -0.4551   0.0057 Balanced, <0.1
## WBC                                    Contin.  0.0836   0.0470 Balanced, <0.1
## Heart.rate                             Contin.  0.1469   0.0210 Balanced, <0.1
## Respiratory.rate                       Contin. -0.1655   0.0037 Balanced, <0.1
## Temperature                            Contin. -0.0214   0.0090 Balanced, <0.1
## PaO2vs.FIO2                            Contin. -0.4332  -0.0016 Balanced, <0.1
## Albumin                                Contin. -0.2299  -0.0279 Balanced, <0.1
## Hematocrit                             Contin. -0.2693  -0.0247 Balanced, <0.1
## Bilirubin                              Contin.  0.1446  -0.0069 Balanced, <0.1
## Creatinine                             Contin.  0.2696   0.0148 Balanced, <0.1
## Sodium                                 Contin. -0.0922  -0.0059 Balanced, <0.1
## Potassium                              Contin. -0.0271  -0.0264 Balanced, <0.1
## PaCo2                                  Contin. -0.2486  -0.0201 Balanced, <0.1
## PH                                     Contin. -0.1198   0.0095 Balanced, <0.1
## Weight                                 Contin.  0.2557   0.0209 Balanced, <0.1
## DNR.status_Yes                          Binary -0.0696  -0.0112 Balanced, <0.1
## Medical.insurance_Medicaid              Binary -0.0395   0.0058 Balanced, <0.1
## Medical.insurance_Medicare              Binary -0.0327  -0.0119 Balanced, <0.1
## Medical.insurance_Medicare & Medicaid   Binary -0.0144  -0.0001 Balanced, <0.1
## Medical.insurance_No insurance          Binary  0.0099  -0.0002 Balanced, <0.1
## Medical.insurance_Private               Binary  0.0624   0.0013 Balanced, <0.1
## Medical.insurance_Private & Medicare    Binary  0.0143   0.0052 Balanced, <0.1
## Respiratory.Diag_Yes                    Binary -0.1277  -0.0056 Balanced, <0.1
## Cardiovascular.Diag_Yes                 Binary  0.1395   0.0034 Balanced, <0.1
## Neurological.Diag_Yes                   Binary -0.1079  -0.0038 Balanced, <0.1
## Gastrointestinal.Diag_Yes               Binary  0.0453  -0.0028 Balanced, <0.1
## Renal.Diag_Yes                          Binary  0.0264   0.0021 Balanced, <0.1
## Metabolic.Diag_Yes                      Binary -0.0059   0.0002 Balanced, <0.1
## Hematologic.Diag_Yes                    Binary -0.0146  -0.0000 Balanced, <0.1
## Sepsis.Diag_Yes                         Binary  0.0912   0.0035 Balanced, <0.1
## Trauma.Diag_Yes                         Binary  0.0105   0.0011 Balanced, <0.1
## Orthopedic.Diag_Yes                     Binary  0.0010   0.0002 Balanced, <0.1
## race_white                              Binary  0.0063  -0.0030 Balanced, <0.1
## race_black                              Binary -0.0114   0.0067 Balanced, <0.1
## race_other                              Binary  0.0050  -0.0036 Balanced, <0.1
## income_$11-$25k                         Binary  0.0062  -0.0096 Balanced, <0.1
## income_$25-$50k                         Binary  0.0391   0.0032 Balanced, <0.1
## income_> $50k                           Binary  0.0165  -0.0001 Balanced, <0.1
## income_Under $11k                       Binary -0.0618   0.0065 Balanced, <0.1
## Balance tally for mean differences
##                    count
## Balanced, <0.1        69
## Not Balanced, >0.1     0
## Variable with the greatest mean difference
##  Variable Diff.Adj    M.Threshold
##       WBC    0.047 Balanced, <0.1
## Effective sample sizes
##            Control Treated
## Unadjusted 3551.   2184.  
## Adjusted   2532.46 1039.44
  • We can also check this in a plot
love.plot(W.out, binary = "std",
          thresholds = c(m = .1),
          abs = TRUE, 
          var.order = "unadjusted", 
          line = TRUE)

All covariates are balanced! Reverse engineered an RCT!?!

4.5 Step 4: outcome modelling

Outcome modelling: \(E(Y|A=1)\) to obtain treatment effect estimate

Estimate the effect of treatment on outcomes

out.formula <- as.formula(Y ~ A) <- glm(out.formula,
               data = ObsData,
               weights = IPW)
##     Variable Units Coefficient         CI.95 p-value 
##  (Intercept)             20.68 [19.73;21.64] < 1e-04 
##            A              3.24   [1.88;4.60] < 1e-04
saveRDS(, file = "data/ipw.RDS")


Austin, Peter C. 2011. “A Tutorial and Case Study in Propensity Score Analysis: An Application to Estimating the Effect of in-Hospital Smoking Cessation Counseling on Mortality.” Multivariate Behavioral Research 46 (1): 119–51.