Chapter 5 IPTW using ML

Similar to G-computation, we will try to use machine learning methods, particularly Superlearner in estimating IPW estimates

# Read the data saved at the last chapter
ObsData <- readRDS(file = "data/rhcAnalytic.RDS")
baselinevars <- names(dplyr::select(ObsData, !c(A,Y)))
ps.formula <- as.formula(paste("A ~",
                                     collapse = "+")))

5.1 IPTW Steps from SL

Modelling Steps:

We will still follow the same steps

Step 1 exposure modelling: \(PS = Prob(A=1|L)\)
Step 2 Convert \(PS\) to \(IPW\) = \(\frac{A}{PS} + \frac{1-A}{1-PS}\)
Step 3 Assess balance in weighted sample and overlap (\(PS\) and \(L\))
Step 4 outcome modelling: \(Prob(Y=1|A=1)\) to obtain treatment effect estimate

5.2 Step 1: exposure modelling

This is the exposure model that we decided on:

## A ~ Disease.category + Cancer + Cardiovascular + Congestive.HF + 
##     Dementia + Psychiatric + Pulmonary + Renal + Hepatic + GI.Bleed + 
##     Tumor + Immunosupperssion + Transfer.hx + MI + age + sex + 
##     edu + DASIndex + APACHE.score + Glasgow.Coma.Score + blood.pressure + 
##     WBC + Heart.rate + Respiratory.rate + Temperature + PaO2vs.FIO2 + 
##     Albumin + Hematocrit + Bilirubin + Creatinine + Sodium + 
##     Potassium + PaCo2 + PH + Weight + DNR.status + + 
##     Respiratory.Diag + Cardiovascular.Diag + Neurological.Diag + 
##     Gastrointestinal.Diag + Renal.Diag + Metabolic.Diag + Hematologic.Diag + 
##     Sepsis.Diag + Trauma.Diag + Orthopedic.Diag + race + income

Fit SuperLearner (SL) to estimate propensity scores.

We again use the same candidate learners:

  • linear model
  • gradient boosting
ObsData.noYA <- dplyr::select(ObsData, !c(Y,A)) <- SuperLearner(Y=ObsData$A, 
                       cvControl = list(V = 3),
                       SL.library=c("SL.glm", "SL.glmnet", "SL.xgboost"), 

Here, method.AUC is also possible to use instead of method.NNLS for binary response. We could use cvControl = list(V = 3, stratifyCV = TRUE) to make the splits be stratified by the binary response.

Obtain the propesnity score (PS) values from the fit

all.pred <- predict(, type = "response")
ObsData$PS.SL <- all.pred$pred

Check summaries:

##        V1          
##  Min.   :0.002981  
##  1st Qu.:0.151578  
##  Median :0.347286  
##  Mean   :0.380833  
##  3rd Qu.:0.591373  
##  Max.   :0.971231
tapply(ObsData$PS.SL, ObsData$A, summary)
## $`0`
##     Min.  1st Qu.   Median     Mean  3rd Qu.     Max. 
## 0.002981 0.091153 0.192876 0.224573 0.332211 0.788300 
## $`1`
##    Min. 1st Qu.  Median    Mean 3rd Qu.    Max. 
##  0.0815  0.5107  0.6510  0.6349  0.7663  0.9712
     col = "red", main = "")
      col = "blue", lty = 2)
legend("topright", c("No RHC","RHC"), 
       col = c("red", "blue"), lty=1:2)

5.3 Step 2: Convert PS to IPW

  • Convert PS from SL to IPW using the formula (again, ATE formula).
ObsData$IPW.SL <- ObsData$A/ObsData$PS.SL + (1-ObsData$A)/(1-ObsData$PS.SL)
##        V1        
##  Min.   : 1.003  
##  1st Qu.: 1.149  
##  Median : 1.339  
##  Mean   : 1.508  
##  3rd Qu.: 1.668  
##  Max.   :12.271

Output from pre-packged software packages to do the same (very similar estimates):

W.out <- weightit(ps.formula, 
                    data = ObsData, 
                    estimand = "ATE",
                    method = "super",
                    SL.library = c("SL.glm", 
##    Min. 1st Qu.  Median    Mean 3rd Qu.    Max. 
##   1.002   1.141   1.321   1.471   1.626  12.435
saveRDS(W.out, file = "data/ipwslps.RDS")

Alternatively, you can use the previously estimated PS

W.out2 <- weightit(ps.formula, 
                    data = ObsData, 
                    estimand = "ATE",
                    ps = ObsData$PS.SL)
##    Min. 1st Qu.  Median    Mean 3rd Qu.    Max. 
##   1.003   1.149   1.339   1.508   1.668  12.271

5.4 Step 3: Balance checking

  • We first check balance numerically for SMD = 0.1 as threshold for balance., un = TRUE, 
        thresholds = c(m = .1))
## Call
##  weightit(formula = ps.formula, data = ObsData, method = "super", 
##     estimand = "ATE", SL.library = c("SL.glm", "SL.glmnet", "SL.xgboost"))
## Balance Measures
##                                           Type Diff.Un Diff.Adj
## prop.score                            Distance  2.7115   2.1229
## Disease.category_ARF                    Binary -0.0290  -0.0094
## Disease.category_CHF                    Binary  0.0261   0.0153
## Disease.category_Other                  Binary -0.1737  -0.1013
## Disease.category_MOSF                   Binary  0.1766   0.0954
## Cancer_None                             Binary  0.0439   0.0249
## Cancer_Localized (Yes)                  Binary -0.0267  -0.0120
## Cancer_Metastatic                       Binary -0.0172  -0.0129
## Cardiovascular                          Binary  0.0445   0.0283
## Congestive.HF                           Binary  0.0268   0.0161
## Dementia                                Binary -0.0472  -0.0296
## Psychiatric                             Binary -0.0348  -0.0204
## Pulmonary                               Binary -0.0737  -0.0430
## Renal                                   Binary  0.0066   0.0046
## Hepatic                                 Binary -0.0124  -0.0082
## GI.Bleed                                Binary -0.0122  -0.0081
## Tumor                                   Binary -0.0423  -0.0230
## Immunosupperssion                       Binary  0.0358   0.0200
## Transfer.hx                             Binary  0.0554   0.0281
## MI                                      Binary  0.0139   0.0075
## age_[-Inf,50)                           Binary -0.0017  -0.0014
## age_[50,60)                             Binary  0.0161   0.0130
## age_[60,70)                             Binary  0.0355   0.0167
## age_[70,80)                             Binary  0.0144   0.0112
## age_[80, Inf)                           Binary -0.0643  -0.0396
## sex_Female                              Binary -0.0462  -0.0283
## edu                                    Contin.  0.0914   0.0512
## DASIndex                               Contin.  0.0626   0.0378
## APACHE.score                           Contin.  0.5014   0.2641
## Glasgow.Coma.Score                     Contin. -0.1098  -0.0603
## blood.pressure                         Contin. -0.4551  -0.2406
## WBC                                    Contin.  0.0836   0.0503
## Heart.rate                             Contin.  0.1469   0.0819
## Respiratory.rate                       Contin. -0.1655  -0.0829
## Temperature                            Contin. -0.0214  -0.0060
## PaO2vs.FIO2                            Contin. -0.4332  -0.2339
## Albumin                                Contin. -0.2299  -0.1292
## Hematocrit                             Contin. -0.2693  -0.1590
## Bilirubin                              Contin.  0.1446   0.0771
## Creatinine                             Contin.  0.2696   0.1425
## Sodium                                 Contin. -0.0922  -0.0513
## Potassium                              Contin. -0.0271  -0.0284
## PaCo2                                  Contin. -0.2486  -0.1483
## PH                                     Contin. -0.1198  -0.0533
## Weight                                 Contin.  0.2557   0.1418
## DNR.status_Yes                          Binary -0.0696  -0.0426
## Medical.insurance_Medicaid              Binary -0.0395  -0.0224
## Medical.insurance_Medicare              Binary -0.0327  -0.0184
## Medical.insurance_Medicare & Medicaid   Binary -0.0144  -0.0065
## Medical.insurance_No insurance          Binary  0.0099   0.0062
## Medical.insurance_Private               Binary  0.0624   0.0333
## Medical.insurance_Private & Medicare    Binary  0.0143   0.0077
## Respiratory.Diag_Yes                    Binary -0.1277  -0.0673
## Cardiovascular.Diag_Yes                 Binary  0.1395   0.0760
## Neurological.Diag_Yes                   Binary -0.1079  -0.0592
## Gastrointestinal.Diag_Yes               Binary  0.0453   0.0249
## Renal.Diag_Yes                          Binary  0.0264   0.0148
## Metabolic.Diag_Yes                      Binary -0.0059  -0.0027
## Hematologic.Diag_Yes                    Binary -0.0146  -0.0084
## Sepsis.Diag_Yes                         Binary  0.0912   0.0485
## Trauma.Diag_Yes                         Binary  0.0105   0.0064
## Orthopedic.Diag_Yes                     Binary  0.0010   0.0007
## race_white                              Binary  0.0063   0.0034
## race_black                              Binary -0.0114  -0.0043
## race_other                              Binary  0.0050   0.0009
## income_$11-$25k                         Binary  0.0062   0.0007
## income_$25-$50k                         Binary  0.0391   0.0211
## income_> $50k                           Binary  0.0165   0.0078
## income_Under $11k                       Binary -0.0618  -0.0296
##                                              M.Threshold
## prop.score                                              
## Disease.category_ARF                      Balanced, <0.1
## Disease.category_CHF                      Balanced, <0.1
## Disease.category_Other                Not Balanced, >0.1
## Disease.category_MOSF                     Balanced, <0.1
## Cancer_None                               Balanced, <0.1
## Cancer_Localized (Yes)                    Balanced, <0.1
## Cancer_Metastatic                         Balanced, <0.1
## Cardiovascular                            Balanced, <0.1
## Congestive.HF                             Balanced, <0.1
## Dementia                                  Balanced, <0.1
## Psychiatric                               Balanced, <0.1
## Pulmonary                                 Balanced, <0.1
## Renal                                     Balanced, <0.1
## Hepatic                                   Balanced, <0.1
## GI.Bleed                                  Balanced, <0.1
## Tumor                                     Balanced, <0.1
## Immunosupperssion                         Balanced, <0.1
## Transfer.hx                               Balanced, <0.1
## MI                                        Balanced, <0.1
## age_[-Inf,50)                             Balanced, <0.1
## age_[50,60)                               Balanced, <0.1
## age_[60,70)                               Balanced, <0.1
## age_[70,80)                               Balanced, <0.1
## age_[80, Inf)                             Balanced, <0.1
## sex_Female                                Balanced, <0.1
## edu                                       Balanced, <0.1
## DASIndex                                  Balanced, <0.1
## APACHE.score                          Not Balanced, >0.1
## Glasgow.Coma.Score                        Balanced, <0.1
## blood.pressure                        Not Balanced, >0.1
## WBC                                       Balanced, <0.1
## Heart.rate                                Balanced, <0.1
## Respiratory.rate                          Balanced, <0.1
## Temperature                               Balanced, <0.1
## PaO2vs.FIO2                           Not Balanced, >0.1
## Albumin                               Not Balanced, >0.1
## Hematocrit                            Not Balanced, >0.1
## Bilirubin                                 Balanced, <0.1
## Creatinine                            Not Balanced, >0.1
## Sodium                                    Balanced, <0.1
## Potassium                                 Balanced, <0.1
## PaCo2                                 Not Balanced, >0.1
## PH                                        Balanced, <0.1
## Weight                                Not Balanced, >0.1
## DNR.status_Yes                            Balanced, <0.1
## Medical.insurance_Medicaid                Balanced, <0.1
## Medical.insurance_Medicare                Balanced, <0.1
## Medical.insurance_Medicare & Medicaid     Balanced, <0.1
## Medical.insurance_No insurance            Balanced, <0.1
## Medical.insurance_Private                 Balanced, <0.1
## Medical.insurance_Private & Medicare      Balanced, <0.1
## Respiratory.Diag_Yes                      Balanced, <0.1
## Cardiovascular.Diag_Yes                   Balanced, <0.1
## Neurological.Diag_Yes                     Balanced, <0.1
## Gastrointestinal.Diag_Yes                 Balanced, <0.1
## Renal.Diag_Yes                            Balanced, <0.1
## Metabolic.Diag_Yes                        Balanced, <0.1
## Hematologic.Diag_Yes                      Balanced, <0.1
## Sepsis.Diag_Yes                           Balanced, <0.1
## Trauma.Diag_Yes                           Balanced, <0.1
## Orthopedic.Diag_Yes                       Balanced, <0.1
## race_white                                Balanced, <0.1
## race_black                                Balanced, <0.1
## race_other                                Balanced, <0.1
## income_$11-$25k                           Balanced, <0.1
## income_$25-$50k                           Balanced, <0.1
## income_> $50k                             Balanced, <0.1
## income_Under $11k                         Balanced, <0.1
## Balance tally for mean differences
##                    count
## Balanced, <0.1        59
## Not Balanced, >0.1     9
## Variable with the greatest mean difference
##      Variable Diff.Adj        M.Threshold
##  APACHE.score   0.2641 Not Balanced, >0.1
## Effective sample sizes
##            Control Treated
## Unadjusted 3551.    2184. 
## Adjusted   3316.37  1896.5
  • And also via plot
love.plot(W.out, binary = "std",
          thresholds = c(m = .1),
          abs = TRUE, 
          var.order = "unadjusted", 
          line = TRUE)

Some covariates have SMD > 0.1 (sign of imbalance). This phenomenon is common when we use strong ML methods to obtain PS (Alam, Moodie, and Stephens 2019).

5.5 Step 4: outcome modelling

Estimate the effect of treatment on outcomes

5.5.1 Crude

out.formula <- as.formula(Y ~ A) <- glm(out.formula,
               data = ObsData,
               weights = IPW.SL)
##     Variable Units Coefficient         CI.95 p-value 
##  (Intercept)             20.21 [19.31;21.12] < 1e-04 
##            A              4.24   [2.88;5.61] < 1e-04

5.5.2 Adjusted

Adjusting for all covariates to deal with potential residual confounding (as was indicated by imbalance). Alternatively, could adjust for selected covariates believed to be the reasons for potential imbalance (Nguyen et al. 2017).

Estimate the effect of treatment on outcomes (after adjustment)

out.formula2 <- as.formula(paste("Y~ A +", 
                                     collapse = "+")))
out.fit2 <- glm(out.formula2,
               data = ObsData,
               weights = IPW.SL)
res2 <- publish(out.fit2, digits=1)$regressionTable[2,]
Table 5.1:

5.5.3 Adjusted (from package)

Also check the output when we used the weights from the package

out.fit3 <- glm(out.formula2,
               data = ObsData,
               weights = W.out$weights)
res3 <- publish(out.fit3, digits=1)$regressionTable[2,]
Table 5.2:
saveRDS(out.fit3, file = "data/ipwsl.RDS") 


Alam, Shomoita, Erica EM Moodie, and David A Stephens. 2019. “Should a Propensity Score Model Be Super? The Utility of Ensemble Procedures for Causal Adjustment.” Statistics in Medicine 38 (9): 1690–1702.
Nguyen, Tri-Long, Gary S Collins, Jessica Spence, Jean-Pierre Daurès, PJ Devereaux, Paul Landais, and Yannick Le Manach. 2017. “Double-Adjustment in Propensity Score Matching Analysis: Choosing a Threshold for Considering Residual Imbalance.” BMC Medical Research Methodology 17 (1): 1–8.