Chapter 6 Step 3: Balance and overlap

Balance is more important than prediction!

  • Criteria to assess success of step 2: PS estimation
    • better balance
    • better overlap [no extrapolation!]
    • PS = 0 or PS = 1 needs close inspection

6.1 Assessment of Balance by SMD

  • balance = similarity of the covariate distributions

Full data:

tab1e <- CreateTableOne(vars = baselinevars,
                        data = analytic, 
                        strata = "diabetes",
                        includeNA = TRUE,
                        test = TRUE, smd = TRUE)
print(tab1e, showAllLevels = FALSE, smd = TRUE, test = TRUE)
##                        Stratified by diabetes
##                         0             1             p      test SMD   
##   n                      1232           330                           
##   gender = Male (%)       738 (59.9)    221 (67.0)   0.023       0.147
##   age (mean (SD))       50.54 (17.23) 63.04 (12.87) <0.001       0.822
##   race (%)                                           0.110       0.151
##      Black                253 (20.5)     71 (21.5)                    
##      Hispanic             220 (17.9)     64 (19.4)                    
##      Other                169 (13.7)     59 (17.9)                    
##      White                590 (47.9)    136 (41.2)                    
##   education (%)                                      0.005       0.186
##      College              649 (52.7)    157 (47.6)                    
##      High.School          518 (42.0)    140 (42.4)                    
##      School                65 ( 5.3)     33 (10.0)                    
##   married (%)                                       <0.001       0.282
##      Married              727 (59.0)    194 (58.8)                    
##      Never.married        201 (16.3)     27 ( 8.2)                    
##      Previously.married   304 (24.7)    109 (33.0)                    
##   bmi (mean (SD))       29.14 (7.03)  33.01 (7.65)  <0.001       0.526

Matched data: <-
tab1m <- CreateTableOne(vars = baselinevars, 
                        strata = "diabetes", 
                        data =, 
                        includeNA = TRUE, 
                        test = TRUE, smd = TRUE)

Compare the similarity of baseline characteristics between treated and untreated subjects in a the propensity score-matched sample.

  • In this case, we will compare SMD < 0.1 or not.
  • In some literature, other generous values (0.25) are proposed. (Austin 2011b)
print(tab1m, showAllLevels = FALSE, smd = TRUE, test = FALSE) 
##                        Stratified by diabetes
##                         0             1             SMD   
##   n                       316           316               
##   gender = Male (%)       218 (69.0)    212 (67.1)   0.041
##   age (mean (SD))       63.03 (13.48) 62.67 (12.87)  0.027
##   race (%)                                           0.105
##      Black                 79 (25.0)     68 (21.5)        
##      Hispanic              58 (18.4)     61 (19.3)        
##      Other                 44 (13.9)     53 (16.8)        
##      White                135 (42.7)    134 (42.4)        
##   education (%)                                      0.007
##      College              153 (48.4)    152 (48.1)        
##      High.School          133 (42.1)    134 (42.4)        
##      School                30 ( 9.5)     30 ( 9.5)        
##   married (%)                                        0.099
##      Married              183 (57.9)    186 (58.9)        
##      Never.married         20 ( 6.3)     27 ( 8.5)        
##      Previously.married   113 (35.8)    103 (32.6)        
##   bmi (mean (SD))       32.38 (7.62)  32.63 (7.20)   0.035
bal.plot(match.obj,   = "distance", 
         which = "both", 
         type = "histogram",  
         mirror = TRUE), un = TRUE, 
        thresholds = c(m = .1))
## Call
##  matchit(formula = ps.formula, data = analytic, method = "nearest", 
##     distance = "logit", replace = FALSE, caliper = 0.2 * sd(logitPS), 
##     ratio = 1)
## Balance Measures
##                                Type Diff.Un Diff.Adj    M.Threshold
## distance                   Distance  0.9493   0.0276 Balanced, <0.1
## gender_Male                  Binary  0.0707  -0.0190 Balanced, <0.1
## age                         Contin.  0.9715  -0.0278 Balanced, <0.1
## race_Black                   Binary  0.0098  -0.0348 Balanced, <0.1
## race_Hispanic                Binary  0.0154   0.0095 Balanced, <0.1
## race_Other                   Binary  0.0416   0.0285 Balanced, <0.1
## race_White                   Binary -0.0668  -0.0032 Balanced, <0.1
## education_College            Binary -0.0510  -0.0032 Balanced, <0.1
## education_High.School        Binary  0.0038   0.0032 Balanced, <0.1
## education_School             Binary  0.0472   0.0000 Balanced, <0.1
## married_Married              Binary -0.0022   0.0095 Balanced, <0.1
## married_Never.married        Binary -0.0813   0.0222 Balanced, <0.1
## married_Previously.married   Binary  0.0835  -0.0316 Balanced, <0.1
## bmi                         Contin.  0.5051   0.0338 Balanced, <0.1
## Balance tally for mean differences
##                    count
## Balanced, <0.1        14
## Not Balanced, >0.1     0
## Variable with the greatest mean difference
##    Variable Diff.Adj    M.Threshold
##  race_Black  -0.0348 Balanced, <0.1
## Sample sizes
##           Control Treated
## All          1232     330
## Matched       316     316
## Unmatched     916      14
love.plot(match.obj, binary = "std", 
          thresholds = c(m = .1))  

6.2 SMD vs. P-values

Possible to get p-values to check balance: but strongly discouraged

  • P-value based balance assessment can be influenced by sample size
print(tab1m, showAllLevels = FALSE, smd = FALSE, test = TRUE) 
##                        Stratified by diabetes
##                         0             1             p      test
##   n                       316           316                    
##   gender = Male (%)       218 (69.0)    212 (67.1)   0.670     
##   age (mean (SD))       63.03 (13.48) 62.67 (12.87)  0.733     
##   race (%)                                           0.629     
##      Black                 79 (25.0)     68 (21.5)             
##      Hispanic              58 (18.4)     61 (19.3)             
##      Other                 44 (13.9)     53 (16.8)             
##      White                135 (42.7)    134 (42.4)             
##   education (%)                                      0.996     
##      College              153 (48.4)    152 (48.1)             
##      High.School          133 (42.1)    134 (42.4)             
##      School                30 ( 9.5)     30 ( 9.5)             
##   married (%)                                        0.465     
##      Married              183 (57.9)    186 (58.9)             
##      Never.married         20 ( 6.3)     27 ( 8.5)             
##      Previously.married   113 (35.8)    103 (32.6)             
##   bmi (mean (SD))       32.38 (7.62)  32.63 (7.20)   0.662

Assessment of balance in the matched data

smd.res <- ExtractSmd(tab1m)
##        gender  age race education married  bmi
## 1 vs 2   0.04 0.03 0.11      0.01     0.1 0.03

6.3 Vizualization for Overlap

boxplot(PS ~ diabetes, data = analytic, 
        lwd = 2, ylab = 'PS')
stripchart(PS ~ diabetes, vertical = TRUE, 
           data = analytic, method = "jitter", 
           add = TRUE, pch = 20, col = 'blue')

plot(match.obj, type = "jitter")

## [1] "To identify the units, use first mouse button; to stop, use second."
## integer(0)

Vizualization for assessing overlap issues

plot(match.obj, type = "hist")

6.4 Variance ratio

  • Variance ratios \(\sim\) 1 means:
    • equal variances in groups
    • group balance
    • could vary from 1/2 to 2
    • other cut-points are suggested as well (0.8 to 1.2)

See Stuart (2010) and Austin (2009)

baltab.res <- = match.obj, data = analytic, 
                      treat = analytic$diabetes, 
                      disp.v.ratio = TRUE)
## Call
##  matchit(formula = ps.formula, data = analytic, method = "nearest", 
##     distance = "logit", replace = FALSE, caliper = 0.2 * sd(logitPS), 
##     ratio = 1)
## Balance Measures
##                                Type Diff.Adj V.Ratio.Adj
## distance                   Distance   0.0276      1.0992
## gender_Male                  Binary  -0.0190           .
## age                         Contin.  -0.0278      0.9114
## race_Black                   Binary  -0.0348           .
## race_Hispanic                Binary   0.0095           .
## race_Other                   Binary   0.0285           .
## race_White                   Binary  -0.0032           .
## education_College            Binary  -0.0032           .
## education_High.School        Binary   0.0032           .
## education_School             Binary   0.0000           .
## married_Married              Binary   0.0095           .
## married_Never.married        Binary   0.0222           .
## married_Previously.married   Binary  -0.0316           .
## bmi                         Contin.   0.0338      0.8928
## Sample sizes
##           Control Treated
## All          1232     330
## Matched       316     316
## Unmatched     916      14

6.5 Close inspection of boundaries

boxplot(PS ~ diabetes, data =, 
        lwd = 2, ylab = 'PS', ylim=c(0,1))
stripchart(PS ~ diabetes, vertical = TRUE, 
           data =, method = "jitter", 
           add = TRUE, pch = 20, col = 'blue')
abline(h=c(0+0.05,1-0.05), col = "red", lty = 2)

  • Sensitivity analysis should be done with trimming.
  • Have consequences in interpretation
    • target population may be unclear

6.6 Unsatirfactory balance

  • Iterative process
    • Best strategy is to go back to step 2, and make changes in the PS model specification


———. 2009. “Balance Diagnostics for Comparing the Distribution of Baseline Covariates Between Treatment Groups in Propensity-Score Matched Samples.” Statistics in Medicine 28 (25): 3083–3107.
———. 2011b. “An Introduction to Propensity Score Methods for Reducing the Effects of Confounding in Observational Studies.” Multivariate Behavioral Research 46 (3): 399–424.
Stuart, Elizabeth A. 2010. “Matching Methods for Causal Inference: A Review and a Look Forward.” Statistical Science: A Review Journal of the Institute of Mathematical Statistics 25 (1): 1.