Chapter 3 Propensity score

3.1 Motivating problem

\(Y\) : Outcome Cholesterol levels (high vs. low)
\(A\) : Exposure Diabetes
\(L\) : Known Confounders gender, age, race, education, married, BMI

Search literature for the confounder variables, and look for those variables in the data source (NHANES 2017-2018).

  • Data recourses:
    • All of the data files used in this workshop are available in the GitHub repo.
    • If you are interested in how to obtain NHANES datasets and prepare analytic data, here is an example (outside of the scope of the current tutorial).
analytic <- dplyr::select(analytic, 
                  cholesterol, # outcome
                  gender, age, race, education, 
                  married, bmi, # confounders
                  diabetes) # exposure
analytic$cholesterol <- ifelse(analytic$cholesterol > 240, 1, 0)
analytic$diabetes <- ifelse(analytic$diabetes == "Yes", 1, 0)

## Data Frame Summary  
## analytic  
## Dimensions: 1562 x 8  
## Duplicates: 2  
## -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
## No   Variable              Label                       Stats / Values            Freqs (% of Valid)    Graph                 Valid      Missing  
## ---- --------------------- --------------------------- ------------------------- --------------------- --------------------- ---------- ---------
## 1    cholesterol                                       Min  : 0                  0 : 1391 (89.1%)      IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII     1562       0        
##      [numeric]                                         Mean : 0.1                1 :  171 (10.9%)      II                    (100.0%)   (0.0%)   
##                                                        Max  : 1                                                                                  
## 2    gender                                            1. Female                 603 (38.6%)           IIIIIII               1562       0        
##      [character]                                       2. Male                   959 (61.4%)           IIIIIIIIIIII          (100.0%)   (0.0%)   
## 3    age                   Age in years at screening   Mean (sd) : 53.2 (17.2)   61 distinct values                : :   :   1562       0        
##      [labelled, integer]                               min < med < max:                                  . : . . : : : : :   (100.0%)   (0.0%)   
##                                                        20 < 55 < 80                                    : : : : : : : : : :                       
##                                                        IQR (CV) : 29 (0.3)                             : : : : : : : : : :                       
##                                                                                                        : : : : : : : : : :                       
## 4    race                                              1. Black                  324 (20.7%)           IIII                  1562       0        
##      [character]                                       2. Hispanic               284 (18.2%)           III                   (100.0%)   (0.0%)   
##                                                        3. Other                  228 (14.6%)           II                                        
##                                                        4. White                  726 (46.5%)           IIIIIIIII                                 
## 5    education                                         1. College                806 (51.6%)           IIIIIIIIII            1562       0        
##      [character]                                       2. High.School            658 (42.1%)           IIIIIIII              (100.0%)   (0.0%)   
##                                                        3. School                  98 ( 6.3%)           I                                         
## 6    married                                           1. Married                921 (59.0%)           IIIIIIIIIII           1562       0        
##      [character]                                       2. Never.married          228 (14.6%)           II                    (100.0%)   (0.0%)   
##                                                        3. Previously.married     413 (26.4%)           IIIII                                     
## 7    bmi                   Body Mass Index (kg/m2)     Mean (sd) : 30 (7.3)      314 distinct values       :                 1562       0        
##      [labelled, numeric]                               min < med < max:                                    : .               (100.0%)   (0.0%)   
##                                                        14.8 < 28.9 < 64.2                                : : :                                   
##                                                        IQR (CV) : 8.8 (0.2)                              : : : :                                 
##                                                                                                        . : : : : : .                             
## 8    diabetes                                          Min  : 0                  0 : 1232 (78.9%)      IIIIIIIIIIIIIII       1562       0        
##      [numeric]                                         Mean : 0.2                1 :  330 (21.1%)      IIII                  (100.0%)   (0.0%)   
##                                                        Max  : 1                                                                                  
## -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

3.2 Defining Propensity score

  • Conditional Probability of getting treatment, given the observed covariates

Prob(treatment: \(A = 1\) | baseline or pre-treatment covariates: \(L\))

Prob(\(A = 1\): Has diabetes | \(L\): gender, age, race, education, married, bmi)

  • PS = \(Prob(A=1|L)\)

Condensing multiple variables (in L) into one summary variable (PS).

  • Essentially a dimension reduction exercise!

3.2.1 Theoretical result

Rosenbaum and Rubin (1983) showed:

  • For potential outcomes \(Y(1), Y(0)\), if you have sufficient observed covariate list \(L\) to reduce confounding (`strong ignoribility’):
    • i.e., if \((Y(1), Y(0)) \perp A | L\)
    • Note that is this NOT \(Y \perp A | L\)
  • then
    • \((Y(1), Y(0)) \perp A | PS\) and
    • \(A \perp L | PS\)

3.2.2 Assumptions

Conditional Exchangeability \(Y(1), Y(0) \perp A | L\) Treatment assignment is independent of the potential outcome, given L
Positivity \(0 < P(A=1 | L) < 1\) Subjects are eligible to receive both treatment, given L
Consistency \(Y = Y(a) \forall A=a\) No multiple version of the treatment

3.2.3 Ways to use PS

Many ways to use propensity scores (PS) in the analysis

  • PS matching [our focus today]
  • PS weighting
  • PS stratification
  • PS used as a covariate

3.3 PS Matching Steps

Propensity score matching has 4 steps (Austin 2011a)

Step 1 exposure modelling: \(PS = Prob(A=1|L)\)
Step 2 Match by \(PS\)
Step 3 Assess balance and overlap (\(PS\) and \(L\))
Step 4 outcome modelling: \(Prob(Y=1|A=1)\)


———. 2011a. “A Tutorial and Case Study in Propensity Score Analysis: An Application to Estimating the Effect of in-Hospital Smoking Cessation Counseling on Mortality.” Multivariate Behavioral Research 46 (1): 119–51.
Rosenbaum, Paul R, and Donald B Rubin. 1983. “The Central Role of the Propensity Score in Observational Studies for Causal Effects.” Biometrika 70 (1): 41–55.