2  Steps of Propensity score Matching

flowchart LR
  AA((propensity score matching)) --> A[(Exposure modelling <br/>to estimate <br/>propensity scores)] 
  AA --> B[(Propensity score <br/>Matching)]
  AA --> C[(Assess balance <br/>and overlap)]
  AA --> D[(Outcome <br/>modelling)]
  style AA fill:#f9f,stroke:#333,stroke-width:4px

The followings are not exhaustive lists, but meant to show different possibilities at each step.

2.1 Step 1: Propensity score estimation

flowchart LR
subgraph ZA[" "]
direction LR
  A[(Exposure <br/>modelling <br/>to<br/> estimate <br/>propensity <br/>scores)]  --> A1(Variable selection)
  A --> A2(Model specification)

subgraph ZAA[" "]
direction LR
  A1 --> A11[Consult  <br/>subject-area  <br/>experts]
  A1 --> A13[Build DAG  <br/>from  <br/>literature review]
  A1 --> A12[Analytic methods  <br/>to sort out  <br/>problematic variables-  <br/>collinearity]
  A2 --> A21[Add interactions]
  A2 --> A22[Add polynomial terms]
  A2 --> A23[Add complex functions  <br/>of one or more  <br/>covariates]
  A2 --> A24[Use machine learning  <br/>methods to identify  <br/>complex patterns]

subgraph ZAAA[" "]
direction LR
  A21 --> A221[Unstable <br/>results - <br/>exposure <br/>model <br/>coef SEs <br/>are too <br/>large <br/>or infinite-<br/> Go back to <br/>Model <br/>specification <br/>step]
  A22 --> A221
  A23 --> A221
  A24 --> A221
  A11 --> A111[Carefully think <br/>about <br/>variable roles]
  A13 --> A111
  A12 --> A112[Merge covariates, <br/>covariate levels, <br/>omit some <br/>variables, <br/>find alternative and <br/>less problematic <br/>variable]
  style A111 fill:#bbf,stroke:#f66,stroke-width:2px,color:#fff,stroke-dasharray: 5 5

ZA -.-> ZAA -.-> ZAAA

The type of variables we want to include in the propensity score modelling: this should be based on prior knowledge. Usually empirical selection of variables is discouraged. Understanding the role of each variable, e.g., effect modifier vs. confounder will determine the analysis strategy.

flowchart LR
  A1110[\Variable roles\] --> A1111{{Select variables <br/>causing outcome}}
  A1110 --> A1112{{select variables <br/>causing both outcome <br/>and exposure}}
  A1110 --> A1113{{omit variables <br/>only causing <br/>exposure}}
  A1110 --> A1114{{omit variables <br/>in the causal <br/>pathway}}
  A1110 --> A1115{{omit variables <br/>that are effect <br/>of outcome}}
  A1110 --> A1116{{omit variables <br/>that are <br/>simply noise}}
  A1110 --> A1117{{add useful <br/>proxies}}
  style A1110 fill:#bbf,stroke:#f66,stroke-width:2px,color:#fff,stroke-dasharray: 5 5

2.2 Step 2: Propensity score matching

flowchart LR
subgraph ZA[" "]
direction LR
  B[(Propensity <br/>score <br/>Matching)] --> B1(Matching<br/> methods)
  B --> B2(Matching <br/>ratios)
  B --> B3(replacements)

subgraph ZAA[" "]
direction LR
  B1 --> B11[Nearest <br/>neighbor]
  B1 --> B12[Caliper, <br/>0.2*SD of <br/>logit of <br/>propensity <br/>score]
  B1 --> B13[Optimal]
  B1 --> B14[Full]
  B2 --> B21[Fixed <br/>ratio]
  B2 --> B23[Variable <br/>ratio]
  B3 --> B33[With]
  B3 --> B34[Without]

subgraph ZAAA[" "]
direction RL
  B21 --> B211[1:1, pair]
  B21 --> B212[1:M,<br/> where M>1 <br/>can be <br/>any integer]
  B1 --> B0>Some <br/>combinations <br/>assuming <br/>sample size <br/>do not <br/>reduce <br/>too much]
  B2 --> B0
  B3 --> B0

ZA -.-> ZAA -.-> ZAAA

2.3 Step 3: Balance of Propensity score matched dataset

flowchart TD
subgraph ZA[" "]
direction LR
  C[(Assess balance <br/>and overlap)] --> C1(SMD)
  C --> C2(Variance  <br/>ratio)
  C --> C3(Visualization, <br/>overlapping histograms <br/>love plot, <br/>balance tables)

subgraph ZAA[" "]
direction LR
  C1 --> C11[\Unsatisfactory balance  <br/>or overlap\]
  C2 --> C11
  C3 --> C11
  C3 --> C31[\Propensity scores <br/>too close <br/>to 0 or 1\]

subgraph ZAAA[" "]
direction RL
  C11 --> C111[/Go back to <br/>Exposure modelling step\]
  C31 --> C111
  C31 --> C112[/Trimming, <br/>not preferred\]

ZA -.-> ZAA -.-> ZAAA

2.4 Step 4: treatment effect estimation from outcome model

flowchart TD
subgraph ZA[" "]
direction LR
  D[(Outcome <br/>modelling)] --> D1(Crude)
  D --> D2(Adjusted)
  D --> D4(Variance <br/>estimation)

subgraph ZAA[" "]
direction LR
  D2 --> D221[All covariates, <br/>preferred]
  D2 --> D222[Partial list <br/>of covariates]
  D4 --> D41[Cluster options]
  D4 --> D42[Bootstrap options]

ZA -.-> ZAA

2.5 Reporting

  • We should report the results and interpret the treatment effect estimates in the context of the research question and the underlying assumptions.
  • We need to clearly communicate the limitations and potential biases in the analysis, and reporting of results from useful sensitivity analyses.

flowchart TD
subgraph ZA[" "]
direction LR
  D6(Sensitivity <br/>Analysis <br/>for <br/>overall process) --> D5(Sensitivity <br/>Analysis <br/>for unmeasured <br/>confounding)

subgraph ZAA[" "]
direction LR
  D5 --> D51[Rosenbaum <br/>bounds]
  D5 --> D52[Quantitative <br/>bias analysis, <br/>E-value]
  D6 --> D62[Alternative <br/>matching <br/>algorithm]
  D6 --> D61[Alternative <br/>model <br/>specifications]
  D6 --> D63[Alternative <br/>missing data <br/>method]

ZA -.-> ZAA

  • We should also discuss the implications of the findings for the target population and the broader scientific literature.