Section 15 Box 13: Comparison with Keele (2021)

ObsData <- readRDS('rhcAnalytic.RDS')

# specify the library of machine learning algorithms our SuperLearner should use
Q.SL.library = c("SL.glm", "SL.randomForest", "SL.glmnet")
# fit our SuperLearner
X <- dplyr::select(ObsData, !c(Y.bounded, Y))
QbarSL <- SuperLearner(Y=ObsData$Y.bounded, X=X, SL.library=Q.SL.library, family="gaussian", method="method.CC_nloglik")
## Loading required namespace: randomForest
# make predictions with our fitted model
QbarAW <- predict(QbarSL, newdata=ObsData)$pred
## Warning in predict.SL.glmnet(object = structure(list(object = structure(list(:
## Removing extra columns in prediction data: Y, Y.bounded
# predict the counterfactual outcomes under treatment/no treatment for each observation
X1 <- X
X1$A <- 1
X0 <- X
X0$A <- 0
Qbar1W<- predict(QbarSL, newdata=X1)$pred  # predicted outcome under treatment
Qbar0W<- predict(QbarSL, newdata=X0)$pred  # predicted outcome under no treatment
# initial estimate of the effect of A on Y:
PsiHat.SS <- mean(Qbar1W - Qbar0W)
cat("/n Our initial estimate of the effect of RHC on length of stay is: ", PsiHat.SS)
## /n Our initial estimate of the effect of RHC on length of stay is:  0.006103759
# specify the library of machine learning algorithms our SuperLearner should use for the propensity score model
G.SL.library = c("SL.glm", "SL.randomForest", "SL.glmnet")
# construct the propensity score model using SuperLearner
gHatSL <- SuperLearner(Y=ObsData$A, X=subset(ObsData, select= -c(A,Y.bounded,Y)), 
          SL.library=G.SL.library, family="binomial")
# get the probability of receiving each treatment for each observation
gHat1W <- gHatSL$SL.predict # predicted probabilities of A=1 given baseline chars
gHat0W <- 1 - gHat1W
# get the probability of receiving the treatment they did receive for each observation
gHatAW <- rep(NA, nrow(ObsData))
gHatAW[ObsData$A==1] <- gHat1W[ObsData$A==1]
gHatAW[ObsData$A==0] <- gHat0W[ObsData$A==0]

# clever covariates
H1W <- ObsData$A / gHat1W
H0W <- (1-ObsData$A) / gHat0W
# fluctuation parameter
eps_mod <- glm(ObsData$Y.bounded ~ -1 + H0W + H1W + offset(qlogis(QbarAW)), family = "binomial")
## Warning in eval(family$initialize): non-integer #successes in a binomial glm!
epsilon <- coef(eps_mod)

# updated estimates
Q0W_1 <- plogis(qlogis(Qbar0W) + epsilon[1]*H0W)
Q1W_1 <- plogis(qlogis(Qbar1W) + epsilon[2]*H1W)

# transformed ATE
ATE_TMLE1_tr <- mean(Q1W_1 - Q0W_1)

# ATE on original scale
ATE_TMLE1 <- (max.Y-min.Y)*ATE_TMLE1_tr
cat("\nUpdated ATE estimate: ", ATE_TMLE1, "\n")
## Updated ATE estimate:  2.442183
# transform predicted outcomes back to original scale
Q1W_1_sc <- (max.Y-min.Y)*Q1W_1
Q0W_1_sc <- (max.Y-min.Y)*Q0W_1
EY1_TMLE1 <- mean(Q1W_1_sc)
EY0_TMLE1 <- mean(Q0W_1_sc)
# ATE efficient influence curve
D1 <- ObsData$A/gHat1W*(ObsData$Y.bounded - Q1W_1_sc) + Q1W_1_sc - EY1_TMLE1
D0 <- (1 - ObsData$A)/(1 - gHat1W)*(ObsData$Y.bounded - Q0W_1_sc) + Q0W_1_sc - EY0_TMLE1
EIC <- D1 - D0
# ATE variance
n <- nrow(ObsData)
varHat.IC <- var(EIC)/n

# ATE 95%CI
ATE_TMLE1_CI <- c(ATE_TMLE1 - 1.96*sqrt(varHat.IC), ATE_TMLE1 + 1.96*sqrt(varHat.IC))
cat("\nATE: ", ATE_TMLE1, "  (", ATE_TMLE1_CI[1], ", ", ATE_TMLE1_CI[2], ")", sep = "")
## ATE: 2.442183  (1.684947, 3.199419)