Chapter 2 Interaction

We will be using three measures of effect to explain the concept and necessary implementation ideas

2.1 Modelling to obtain OR

  • odds ratio (OR), Multiplicative scale
    • Logit[Pr(Y=1)] = \(\alpha_0\) + \(\alpha_A\) A + \(\alpha_B\) B + \(\alpha_{AB}\) (A \(\times\) B)
    • Condition for presence of interaction (“departure from multiplicativity”)
      • OR10 \(\times\) OR01 \(\ne\) OR11
      • \(\exp(\alpha_A)\) \(\times\) \(\exp(\alpha_B)\) \(\ne\) \(\exp(\alpha_A+ \alpha_B + \alpha_{AB})\)
    • synergism / super-multiplicative
      • OR11 > OR10 \(\times\) OR01
    • antagonism / sub-multiplicative
      • OR11 < OR10 \(\times\) OR01

Note: The above assumes that both exposures are risk factors for the outcome (OR > 1), not protective factors. If protective, estimates of RERI and AP (defined later) will be invalid, although the estimate of SI is not affected by this condition.

2.1.1 Base no alcohol, no smoking for OR(smk1 on outcome [alc1==0] and OR(alc1 on outcome [smk1==0]

Model-based SE estimates from logistic regression model (Naimi and Whitcomb 2020):

Obs.Data <- OCdata
Obs.Data$smk <- as.factor(Obs.Data$smk)
Obs.Data$smk <- relevel(Obs.Data$smk, ref = "0")
Obs.Data$alc <- as.factor(Obs.Data$alc)
Obs.Data$alc <- relevel(Obs.Data$alc, ref = "0")
fit.or.int11 <- glm(oc ~ alc + smk + alc:smk, 
                    family = binomial(link = 'logit'), 
                    data = Obs.Data)
results.or.model11 <- summ(fit.or.int11, 
                  = FALSE, 
                  = FALSE, 
                           exp = TRUE, 
                           confint = TRUE)
exp(Est.) 2.5% 97.5% z val. p
(Intercept) 0.15 0.04 0.50 -3.06 0.00
alc1 3.33 0.70 15.86 1.51 0.13
smk1 2.96 0.68 12.91 1.45 0.15
alc1:smk1 0.91 0.15 5.42 -0.10 0.92
Standard errors: MLE

2.1.2 Estimates of different ORs Alcohol
## OR00 = 1
OR10 <- exp(sum(summary(fit.or.int11)$coef[c('alc1'),'Estimate']))
OR10 ## OR_A=1
## [1] 3.333333
  • \(\alpha_A\) = 1.2
  • OR_{A=1} = OR10 = \(\exp(\alpha_A)\) = 3.33 Smoking
OR01 <- exp(sum(summary(fit.or.int11)$coef[c('smk1'),'Estimate']))
OR01 ## OR_B=1
## [1] 2.962963
  • \(\alpha_B\) = 1.09
  • OR_{B=1} = OR01 = \(\exp(\alpha_B)\) = 2.96 Both alcohol and smoking
OR11 <- exp(sum(summary(fit.or.int11)$coef[c('alc1','smk1','alc1:smk1'),'Estimate'])) 
OR11 ##OR_A=1,B=1
## [1] 9.036145
  • \(\alpha_{AB}\) = -0.09
  • OR_{A=1,B=1} = OR11 = 9.04 Joint effect?

Is OR11 \(\ne\) OR10 * OR01

OR10 * OR01
## [1] 9.876543 Additive scales
  • Relative excess risk due to interaction (RERI)
    • ranges from 0 to \(\infty\)
    • 0 means no interaction
    • +ve means positive interaction
  • Proportion of outcome among those with both exposures that is attributable to the interaction (AP)
    • ranges from -1 to 1
    • 0 means no interaction
  • Synergy index (SI)
    • ratio of the combined effects and the individual effects
    • ranges from 0 to \(\infty\)
    • greater than 1 means positive interaction
RERI <- OR11 - OR10 - OR01 + 1
## [1] 3.739848
AP <- RERI / OR11
## [1] 0.4138765
SI <- (OR11 - 1)/ (OR10 - 1 + OR01 - 1)
## [1] 1.870482 Recoding to obtain different combinations Base: alcohol drinker, no smoking for OR(smk1 on outcome [alc1==1]
Obs.Data <- OCdata
Obs.Data$smk <- as.factor(Obs.Data$smk)
Obs.Data$smk <- relevel(Obs.Data$smk, ref = "0")
Obs.Data$alc <- as.factor(Obs.Data$alc)
Obs.Data$alc <- relevel(Obs.Data$alc, ref = "1")
fit.or.int01 <- glm(oc ~ alc + smk + alc:smk, 
                    family = binomial(link = 'logit'), 
                    data = Obs.Data)
results.or.model01 <- summ(fit.or.int01, 
                  = FALSE, 
                  = FALSE, 
                           exp = TRUE, 
                           confint = TRUE)
exp(Est.) 2.5% 97.5% z val. p
(Intercept) 0.50 0.19 1.33 -1.39 0.17
alc0 0.30 0.06 1.43 -1.51 0.13
smk1 2.71 1.00 7.37 1.95 0.05
alc0:smk1 1.09 0.18 6.48 0.10 0.92
Standard errors: MLE Base: Smoker, no alcohol for OR(alc1 on outcome [smk1==1]
Obs.Data <- OCdata
Obs.Data$smk <- as.factor(Obs.Data$smk)
Obs.Data$smk <- relevel(Obs.Data$smk, ref = "1")
Obs.Data$alc <- as.factor(Obs.Data$alc)
Obs.Data$alc <- relevel(Obs.Data$alc, ref = "0")
fit.or.int10 <- glm(oc ~ alc + smk + alc:smk, 
                    family = binomial(link = 'logit'), 
                    data = Obs.Data)
results.or.model10 <- summ(fit.or.int10, 
                  = FALSE, 
                  = FALSE, 
                           exp = TRUE,  
                           confint = TRUE)
exp(Est.) 2.5% 97.5% z val. p
(Intercept) 0.44 0.19 1.02 -1.91 0.06
alc1 3.05 1.29 7.18 2.55 0.01
smk0 0.34 0.08 1.47 -1.45 0.15
alc1:smk0 1.09 0.18 6.48 0.10 0.92
Standard errors: MLE
OR10b <- exp(sum(summary(fit.or.int10)$coef[c('alc1'),'Estimate']))
## [1] 3.049699 Multiplicative scale

Multiplicative.scale <- exp(sum(summary(fit.or.int11)$coef[c('alc1:smk1'),'Estimate'])) 
## [1] 0.9149096
  • Multiplicative.scale = \(\exp(\alpha_{AB})\) = 0.91
# estimates of alcohol after changing smoking ref levels
OR10b / OR10
## [1] 0.9149096

2.1.3 Reporting guideline

Ref: Knol and VanderWeele (2012), Alli (2021)

int.object <- interactionR(fit.or.int11, 
                            exposure_names = c("alc1", "smk1"), 
                            ci.type = "mover", ci.level = 0.95, 
                            em=FALSE, recode = FALSE)
kable(int.object$dframe[,1:4], digits = 2)
Measures Estimates CI.ll CI.ul
OR00 1.00 NA NA
OR01 2.96 0.68 12.91
OR10 3.33 0.70 15.86
OR11 9.04 2.64 30.91
OR(smk1 on outcome [alc1==0] 2.96 0.68 12.91
OR(smk1 on outcome [alc1==1] 2.71 1.00 7.37
OR(alc1 on outcome [smk1==0] 3.33 0.70 15.86
OR(alc1 on outcome [smk1==1] 3.05 1.29 7.18
Multiplicative scale 0.91 0.15 5.42
RERI 3.74 -11.43 21.87
AP 0.41 -0.38 0.81
SI 1.87 0.65 5.42

2.1.4 Other available functions

Ref: Mathur and VanderWeele (2018)

## Mathur MB & VanderWeele TJ (2018)
source("Additive interactions function.R") 
## Loading required package: msm
##        Stat       Est       CI.lo     CI.hi    p.val.0 p.val.epi
## 1      RERI 3.7398483 -1.83667500 9.3163716 0.09435021 0.2704345
## 2        AP 0.4138765 -0.07306308 0.9008162 0.04786863        NA
## 3      alc1 0.2903548 -0.13508981 0.7157995 0.09050950        NA
## 4      smk1 0.2442668 -0.08791751 0.5764510 0.07475981        NA
## 5 alc1:smk1 0.4653784 -0.10296969 1.0337265 0.05426119        NA
##   p.val.suff.cause
## 1        0.1677822
## 2               NA
## 3               NA
## 4               NA
## 5               NA

2.1.5 Interaction definitions for OR

Summary of interaction definition for OR.
Groups and Conditions Risk Odds Ratio
Baseline (exposed to none) \(R_{A = 0, B = 0} = P[Y^{a=0, b=0} | L]\) Reference
Exposed to \(A\) only \(R_{A = 1, B = 0} = P[Y^{a=1, b=0} | L]\) \(OR_{A = 1} = [R_{A = 1, B = 0} / (1-R_{A = 1, B = 0})] / [R_{A = 0, B = 0} / (1 - R_{A = 0, B = 0})]\)
Exposed to \(B\) only \(R_{A = 0, B = 1} = P[Y^{a=0, b=1} | L]\) \(OR_{B = 1} = [R_{A = 0, B = 1} / (1-R_{A = 0, B = 1})] / [R_{A = 0, B = 0} / (1 - R_{A = 0, B = 0})]\)
Exposed to both \(A\) and \(B\) \(R_{A = 1, B = 1} = P[Y^{a=1, b=1} | L]\) \(OR_{A = 1, B = 1} = [R_{A = 1, B = 1} / (1-R_{A = 1, B = 1})] / [R_{A = 0, B = 0} / (1 - R_{A = 0, B = 0})]\)
Condition for interaction \(OR_{A = 1, B = 1} \ne OR_{A = 1} \times OR_{B = 1}\)
Synergism \(OR_{A = 1, B = 1} > OR_{A = 1} \times OR_{B = 1}\)
Antagonism \(OR_{A = 1, B = 1} < OR_{A = 1} \times OR_{B = 1}\)

2.2 Modelling to obtain RR

  • risk ratio (RR), Multiplicative scale
    • Very similar ideas as in OR
Obs.Data <- OCdata
Obs.Data$smk <- as.factor(Obs.Data$smk)
Obs.Data$smk <- relevel(Obs.Data$smk, ref = "0")
Obs.Data$alc <- as.factor(Obs.Data$alc)
Obs.Data$alc <- relevel(Obs.Data$alc, ref = "0")
fit.rr.int11 <- glm(oc ~ alc + smk + alc:smk, 
                    family = poisson(link = 'log'), 
                    data = Obs.Data)
results.rr.model11 <- summ(fit.rr.int11, 
                  = FALSE, 
                  = FALSE, 
                           exp = TRUE, 
                           robust = "HC1", 
                           confint = TRUE)
exp(Est.) 2.5% 97.5% z val. p
(Intercept) 0.13 0.04 0.40 -3.53 0.00
alc1 2.56 0.64 10.22 1.33 0.18
smk1 2.36 0.63 8.89 1.27 0.20
alc1:smk1 0.73 0.15 3.46 -0.39 0.69
Standard errors: Robust, type = HC1

Ref: Naimi and Whitcomb (2020)

Alternate formulation using log-binomial is possible (using model based SE, but confidence intervals somewhat differ from those reported from poisson(log)):

fit.rr.int11lb <- glm(oc ~ alc + smk + alc:smk, 
                      family = binomial(link = 'log'), 
                      data = Obs.Data)
results.rr.model11lb <- summ(fit.rr.int11lb, 
                    = FALSE, 
                    = FALSE, 
                             exp = TRUE, 
                             confint = TRUE)
exp(Est.) 2.5% 97.5% z val. p
(Intercept) 0.13 0.05 0.37 -3.78 0.00
alc1 2.56 0.74 8.84 1.48 0.14
smk1 2.36 0.71 7.85 1.40 0.16
alc1:smk1 0.73 0.19 2.88 -0.45 0.66
Standard errors: MLE

2.2.1 Estimates of different RRs Alcohol

## RR00 = 1
RR10 <- exp(sum(summary(fit.rr.int11)$coef[c('alc1'),'Estimate']))
RR10 ## RR_A=1
## [1] 2.555555
  • \(\alpha_A\) = 0.94
  • RR_{A=1} = RR10 = \(\exp(\alpha_A)\) = 2.56 Smoking

RR01 <- exp(sum(summary(fit.rr.int11)$coef[c('smk1'),'Estimate']))
RR01 ## RR_B=1
## [1] 2.358974
  • \(\alpha_B\) = 0.86
  • RR_{B=1} = RR01 = \(\exp(\alpha_B)\) = 2.36 Both alcohol and smoking

RR11 <- exp(sum(summary(fit.rr.int11)$coef[c('alc1','smk1','alc1:smk1'),'Estimate'])) 
RR11 ##RR_A=1,B=1
## [1] 4.411764
  • \(\alpha_{AB}\) = -0.31
  • RR_{A=1,B=1} = RR11 = 4.41 Joint effect?

Is RR11 \(\ne\) RR10 * RR01

RR10 * RR01
## [1] 6.028489 Multiplicative scale

Multiplicative.scale <- exp(sum(summary(fit.rr.int11)$coef[c('alc1:smk1'),'Estimate'])) 
## [1] 0.7318192
  • Multiplicative.scale = \(\exp(\alpha_{AB})\) = 0.73 Additive scales

RERI <- RR11 - RR10 - RR01 + 1
## [1] 0.4972348
AP <- RERI / RR11
## [1] 0.1127066
SI <- (RR11 - 1)/ (RR10 - 1 + RR01 - 1)
## [1] 1.170606 Reporting guideline

int.object <- interactionR(fit.rr.int11, 
                            exposure_names = c("alc1", "smk1"), 
                            ci.type = "mover", ci.level = 0.95, 
                            em=FALSE, recode = FALSE)
kable(int.object$dframe[,1:4], digits = 2)
Measures Estimates CI.ll CI.ul
OR00 1.00 NA NA
OR01 2.36 0.63 8.89
OR10 2.56 0.64 10.22
OR11 4.41 1.41 13.78
OR(smk1 on outcome [alc1==0] 2.36 0.63 8.89
OR(smk1 on outcome [alc1==1] 1.73 0.77 3.88
OR(alc1 on outcome [smk1==0] 2.56 0.64 10.22
OR(alc1 on outcome [smk1==1] 1.87 0.92 3.79
Multiplicative scale 0.73 0.15 3.46
RERI 0.50 -9.97 7.01
AP 0.11 -0.82 0.75
SI 1.17 0.42 3.23

Ref: Alli (2021) Interaction definitions for RR

Summary of interaction definition for RR.
Groups and Conditions Risk Risk Ratio
Baseline (exposed to none) \(R_{A = 0, B = 0} = P[Y^{a=0, b=0} | L]\) Reference
Exposed to \(A\) only \(R_{A = 1, B = 0} = P[Y^{a=1, b=0} | L]\) \(RR_{A = 1} = R_{A = 1, B = 0} / R_{A = 0, B = 0}\)
Exposed to \(B\) only \(R_{A = 0, B = 1} = P[Y^{a=0, b=1} | L]\) \(RR_{B = 1} = R_{A = 0, B = 1} / R_{A = 0, B = 0}\)
Exposed to both \(A\) and \(B\) \(R_{A = 1, B = 1} = P[Y^{a=1, b=1} | L]\) \(RR_{A = 1, B = 1} = R_{A = 1, B = 1} / R_{A = 0, B = 0}\)
Condition for interaction \(RR_{A = 1, B = 1} \ne RR_{A = 1} \times RR_{B = 1}\)
Synergism \(RR_{A = 1, B = 1} > RR_{A = 1} \times RR_{B = 1}\)
Antagonism \(RR_{A = 1, B = 1} < RR_{A = 1} \times RR_{B = 1}\)

2.3 Modelling to obtain RD

  • risk difference (RD), Additive scale
    • risk(Y) = \(\alpha_0\) + \(\alpha_A\) A + \(\alpha_B\) B + \(\alpha_{AB}\) (A \(\times\) B)
      • RD10 \(\times\) RD01 \(\ne\) RD11
      • \(\alpha_A\) + \(\alpha_B\) \(\ne\) (\(\alpha_A\) + \(\alpha_B\) + \(\alpha_{AB}\))
    • synergism / super-additive
      • RD11 > RD10 + RD01
    • antagonism / sub-additive
      • RD11 < RD10 + RD01
Obs.Data <- OCdata
Obs.Data$smk <- as.factor(Obs.Data$smk)
Obs.Data$smk <- relevel(Obs.Data$smk, ref = "0")
Obs.Data$alc <- as.factor(Obs.Data$alc)
Obs.Data$alc <- relevel(Obs.Data$alc, ref = "0")
fit.rd.int11 <- glm(oc ~ alc + smk + alc:smk, 
                    family = gaussian(link = 'identity'), 
                    data = Obs.Data)
results.rd.model11 <- summ(fit.rd.int11, 
                  = FALSE, 
                  = FALSE, 
                           exp = FALSE, 
                           robust = "HC1", 
                           confint = TRUE)
Est. 2.5% 97.5% t val. p
(Intercept) 0.13 -0.07 0.33 1.28 0.20
alc1 0.20 -0.10 0.50 1.32 0.19
smk1 0.18 -0.10 0.45 1.27 0.20
alc1:smk1 0.06 -0.29 0.42 0.36 0.72
Standard errors: Robust, type = HC1

Ref: Naimi and Whitcomb (2020)

Alternate formulation using binomial(identity) is possible (using model based SE, but confidence intervals slightly differ from those reported from gaussian(identity)):

fit.rd.int11bi <- glm(oc ~ alc + smk + alc:smk, 
                      family = binomial(link = 'identity'), 
                      data = Obs.Data)
results.rd.model11bi <- summ(fit.rd.int11bi, 
                    = FALSE, 
                    = FALSE, 
                             exp = FALSE, 
                             confint = TRUE)
Est. 2.5% 97.5% z val. p
(Intercept) 0.13 -0.01 0.27 1.86 0.06
alc1 0.20 -0.05 0.46 1.54 0.12
smk1 0.18 -0.05 0.40 1.55 0.12
alc1:smk1 0.06 -0.25 0.38 0.40 0.69
Standard errors: MLE

2.3.1 Base: Smoker, no alcohol for RD(alc1 on outcome [smk1==1]

Alternate combination of smoking:

Obs.Data <- OCdata
Obs.Data$smk <- as.factor(Obs.Data$smk)
Obs.Data$smk <- relevel(Obs.Data$smk, ref = "1")
Obs.Data$alc <- as.factor(Obs.Data$alc)
Obs.Data$alc <- relevel(Obs.Data$alc, ref = "0")
fit.rd.int01 <- glm(oc ~ alc + smk + alc:smk, 
                    family = gaussian(link = 'identity'), 
                    data = Obs.Data)
results.rd.model01 <- summ(fit.rd.int01, 
                  = FALSE, 
                  = FALSE, 
                           exp = FALSE, 
                           robust = "HC1", 
                           confint = TRUE)
Est. 2.5% 97.5% t val. p
(Intercept) 0.31 0.12 0.49 3.22 0.00
alc1 0.27 0.07 0.46 2.71 0.01
smk0 -0.18 -0.45 0.10 -1.27 0.20
alc1:smk0 -0.06 -0.42 0.29 -0.36 0.72
Standard errors: Robust, type = HC1

2.3.2 Estimates of different RDs Alcohol

## RD00 = 0
RD10 <- sum(summary(fit.rd.int11)$coef[c('alc1'),'Estimate'])
RD10 ## RD_A=1
## [1] 0.2028986
  • RD_{A=1} = RD10 = \(\alpha_A\) = 0.2

From alternate combination of smoking

RD10b <- sum(summary(fit.rd.int01)$coef[c('alc1'),'Estimate'])
RD10b ## RD_A=1
## [1] 0.2677553 Smoking

RD01 <- sum(summary(fit.rd.int11)$coef[c('smk1'),'Estimate'])
RD01 ## RD_B=1
## [1] 0.1772575
  • RD_{B=1} = RD01 = \(\alpha_B\) = 0.18 Both alcohol and smoking

RD11 <- sum(summary(fit.rd.int11)$coef[c('alc1','smk1','alc1:smk1'),'Estimate'])
RD11 ##RD_A=1,B=1
## [1] 0.4450128
  • RD_{A=1,B=1} = RD11 = \(\alpha_{AB}\) = 0.06 Joint effect?

Is RD11 \(\ne\) RD10 + RD01

RD10 + RD01
## [1] 0.3801561 Additive scale (interaction contrast)

IC <- RD10b - RD10
## [1] 0.06485671

Current version of interactionR do not support RD, although the documentation says so: Alli (2021)

2.3.3 Interaction definitions for RD

Summary of interaction definition for RD.
Groups and Conditions Risk Risk Difference
Baseline (exposed to none) \(R_{A = 0, B = 0} = P[Y^{a=0, b=0} | L]\) Reference
Exposed to \(A\) only \(R_{A = 1, B = 0} = P[Y^{a=1, b=0} | L]\) \(RD_{A = 1} = R_{A = 1, B = 0} - R_{A = 0, B = 0}\)
Exposed to \(B\) only \(R_{A = 0, B = 1} = P[Y^{a=0, b=1} | L]\) \(RD_{B = 1} = R_{A = 0, B = 1} - R_{A = 0, B = 0}\)
Exposed to both \(A\) and \(B\) \(R_{A = 1, B = 1} = P[Y^{a=1, b=1} | L]\) \(RD_{A = 1, B = 1} = R_{A = 1, B = 1} - R_{A = 0, B = 0}\)
Condition for interaction \(RD_{A = 1, B = 1} \ne RD_{A = 1} + RD_{B = 1}\)
Synergism \(RD_{A = 1, B = 1} > RD_{A = 1} + RD_{B = 1}\)
Antagonism \(RD_{A = 1, B = 1} < RD_{A = 1} + RD_{B = 1}\)

2.4 Reporting guidelines

  • How to determine whether interaction should be reported in additive or multiplicative scale?
    • Not via empirical assessment (analysis of data at hand)
    • Study objectives should be clear
    • data generating mechanism should be considered carefully
  • What if results differ?
    • Very possible to have additive interaction present, but not at a multiplicative scale and vice versa
    • When conclusions differ (interaction is present in additive, but absent in multiplicative or vice versa), both should be reported.
    • When both are concluding the same (interaction is present in both scales or absent), questions related to magnitude remains


Alli, Babatunde Y. 2021. “InteractionR: An r Package for Full Reporting of Effect Modification and Interaction.” Software Impacts, 100147.
Knol, Mirjam J, and Tyler J VanderWeele. 2012. “Recommendations for Presenting Analyses of Effect Modification and Interaction.” International Journal of Epidemiology 41 (2): 514–20.
Mathur, Maya B, and Tyler J VanderWeele. 2018. “R Function for Additive Interaction Measures.” Epidemiology (Cambridge, Mass.) 29 (1): e5.
Naimi, Ashley I, and Brian W Whitcomb. 2020. “Estimating Risk Ratios and Risk Differences Using Regression.” American Journal of Epidemiology 189 (6): 508–10.